B.S. Environmental Science

Rondi Nordal

Major: B.S. Environmental Science

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Trevor McLaughlin

Major: B.S. Environmental Science

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Payton Rutkowski

Huxley on the Peninsulas
Major: B.S. Environmental Science

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Hannah Stevens

Major: B.S. Environmental Science

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Alyssa Tsukada

What does sustainability mean to you?

In my opinion, sustainability means acting in a way that allows future generations to enjoy the same natural resources we have access to today. We tend to have a bad habit of viewing sustainable action as something only for activists, instead of daily actions the any consumer can take part of.

Tim Anderson

About me

When I'm not in class, I really enjoy running on trails in the Chuckanuts, yoga, cooking, and being with friends.


Math--I'm really interested in how math can apply to environmental science.

Career plans

Before going on to graduate school, I'd like to explore different jobs, travel, and possibly build a tiny house.

Cassandra Torstenson

Why did you choose to study at Western/Huxley?

Huxley College of the Environment had a strong reputation as having top notch Environmental Programs.  It also scored in the top 10 schools in the US for Environmental Programs, and among the top 10 schools, it was one of the smallest schools.

Haley Mountain

About me

Outside of school, I love to read if I get the chance, cook random meals with whatever I can find in the kitchen, and spent plenty of time with my lovely friends and family doing whatever strikes our fancy. I also love the Chuckanut Community Forest. It’s a place you could every day if you wanted, the muddy paths keep things interesting, and I love the history behind saving such a lovely place through community power.

Roby Ventres-Pake

About me

I love to play banjo, grow food, hike up mountains, wash dishes, keep bees, go swimming, fly fish, and much more.  Recently I've been feeling especially passionate about bicycles and botany, and I spent this past winter studying neotropical flora along a 2000 km bicycle ride between San Salvador and Panama City.

Career plans

I love work that gets me outside, is personally fulfilling, and produces tangible benefits for my community and the world around me. I'd like to start out working as a field biologist and go from there.

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