Undergraduate Student Forms

- ESCI Major Application Form: This form is for ESCI applicants.
- ENVS Major Application Form: All College of the Environment Majors require a major application taken in the fall, winter or spring. This form is for the majors in the Environmental Studies Department.
- Urban Sustainability and Environmental Policy Application: Use this form if you want to be accepted into the urban sustainability major. Use this form for the environmental policy major, too.
- Urban Planning Majors: UEPP applicants must submit a portfolio. Planning Major applications are only taken in spring by April 18 by 5:00.
- Sustainable Design Minor Application Form: Sustainable design minor applications are taken in the fall and spring on the third Friday of the quarter.
- Disaster Risk Reduction Minor Application Form: Applications are taken throughout the year.
Declaration Forms
- Pre-major, Minor, Major Declaration Form: Use this form to declare a pre-major, minor, or major (Major declaration requires an application in the fall, winter or spring).
ESCI/ENVS/UEPP 498 Documents
- Internship Learning Agreement: An internship agreement must be filled out and signed by the student, faculty advisor and on-site supervisor.
- Senior Project Contract: The student and the project faculty advisor must sign the senior project contract.
- Senior Thesis Contract: This is the senior thesis cover page.
Other Forms
Override Request Form: This form is used to request access to ENVS, ESCI or UEPP classes.