Graduate Student Photos

2024 Cohort

Amanda Smith

Amanda Smith

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr Patrick Buckley

Undergraduate Degree: BS, Sociology, BYU-Idaho

Research Interest: I am interested in community planning and development. My research will focus on neighborhoods in Bellingham and how they may differ from each other, largely from a community connectedness perspective. I enjoy studying the intersection of environment and culture.

About/Hobbies: I grew up in Bellingham, so I love being outside and especially on the water. I am excited to be back in the Pacific Northwest and take advantage of the beautiful scenery here. Geography is a passion of mine and I’m looking forward to being in school again. I also love playing piano and making music when I have the time.

Amaya Coblenz

Amaya Coblentz

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr David Rossiter

Undergraduate Degree: Western Washington University, BA in Environmental Studies, GIS Emphasis

Research Interest: My research interests include the history of – as well as contemporary issues in – the American West, water policy/politics, and GIS. I’m interested in the communally managed water systems of the Southwest, how these systems have been mapped and defined throughout time, and how communal water management will fare in the face of a drier future.

About/Hobbies: Exploring the outdoors – from the mountain desert of my home state to the forests of the North Cascades – and everything in between. In my free time I enjoy trail running, jumping in bodies of water, and working in my garden. Indoors I spend my time painting, drinking espresso or tea, reading, and petting cats.

Beau Jay

Beau Jay

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr Cameron Whitley

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Sociology, Western Washington University

Research Interest: My interests are in people and their role & impact on the environment. I am also passionate about restoration efforts and community engagement and involvement. I'm thrilled to work on community restoration projects around campus as the new co-director of L.E.A.D. here at Western. My undergrad thesis focused on eco-anxiety, discussing environmental injustices and the impact of natural disasters on mental, physical, and economic stability. I'm excited to learn more about GIS and its applications within my passions and research. I am more than elated to join my fellow graduate student colleagues in this next chapter of higher education.

About/Hobbies: Greetings WWU community, my name is Beau. I've lived and adventured around the Pacific Northwest my entire life. I currently work as a residential aide at a men's low intensity treatment center here in Bellingham. I've enjoyed working in service industries for the past 8 years and am deeply passionate about serving the people of my community. You'll often find me checking out local breweries or volunteering on restoration projects around Bellingham.

Ben McNett

Ben McNett

Degree Pursuing: M.S. in Environmental Science - Energy-Environmental Systems

Faculty Advisor: Dr Froylan Sifuentes

Undergraduate Degree: B.S. Energy Science and Technology, WWU

Research Interest: I am interested in combining my two academic passions from my undergraduate studies: geospatial analysis and energy. These two fields are usually combined for site suitability analyses of potential PV and wind farms. In my undergraduate research with Dr. Froylan Sifuentes, I performed multiple site suitability analyses and learned how to estimate mitigated greenhouse gas emissions from the results. I look forward to expanding my knowledge of site suitability analyses and learning how to incorporate different environmental measures into my research.

About/Hobbies: I was lucky enough to be born and raised in Washington State. I was also very lucky to find a program as great as the Institute for Energy Studies during my time at WWU. I am very excited to return to Bellingham and continue my education. Outside of academics, you will mostly find me outdoors. I love mountain biking, snowboarding, hiking, and backpacking. I also love cartography and learning how to play as many instruments as I can!

Brianna Benner

Brianna Benner

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Dr Manuel Montaño

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Environmental Science, Toxicology Emphasis.

Research Interest: When I was younger I used to volunteer at my local zoo, where I learned that what is in the environment can impact the health of its living inhabitants. In my undergraduate studies I began to understand that small changes in the physical and chemical environments can have disproportionately large impacts on ecosystems. In graduate school I am in using analytical chemistry to better understand how processes at the nanoscale may have bigger impacts. My main research pursuits will focus on how the composition and properties of geogenic nanoparticles change in the environment; and subsequently the impacts this has on nutrient cycling and contaminant transport.

About/Hobbies: I am a life-long lover of the outdoors, and am looking forward to being able to continue to enjoy hiking around Mt. Baker, the North Cascades, and finally attempting Oyster Dome one day! I take aerial classes at the Bellingham Circus Guild with the goal that one day I’ll be able to participate in their monthly shows. I am also an avid reader and enjoy baking and trying out new recipes with friends.

Claire Johnston

Claire Johnston (She/Her)

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr Tammi Laninga

Undergraduate Degree: University of Washington, B.S. In Environmental Science and Resource Management

Research Interest: I hope to explore the intersection between conservation, natural resource management, recreation, and indigenous cultural access in community-driven land use planning. I believe equitable and sustainable planning should be driven by community engagement centering diverse communities and ways of knowing.

About/Hobbies: Both my work and play are driven by my connection with the natural world. In my professional and volunteer work, I contribute to Whatcom County's culture of land conservation and stewardship. Otherwise, you can almost always find me on a trail or a beach. Whether mountain biking, running, mushrooming, or paddling I am usually accompanied by my dog (and best friend) Chowder.

Delaney Adams

Delaney Adams

Degree Pursuing: MS, Marine and Estuarine Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr Marco Hatch/Dr Kathryn Sobocinski

Undergraduate Degree: WWU, BS Environmental Science – Marine Science emphasis

Research Interest: My research interests fall at the intersection of marine ecology and Indigenous natural resource management. I’ll be working with my advisors and the Salish Sea Research Center to help build a diet study for longfin smelt, also called Hooligans. The goal of the project is to understand more about their distribution.

About/Hobbies: I chose to return to Western because this project presented the ideal combination of my main interests. I’m excited to continue to work with local Indigenous communities and the Salish Sea Research Center. Since moving to Bellingham for my undergraduate degree in 2016, I have been captivated by the prolific outdoor opportunities in the area. I enjoy mountain biking, snowboarding, spending time in the mountains or on a beach, and tending my garden.

Eddie Church

Eddie Church (They/Them)

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Dr Rebecca Bunn

Undergraduate Degree: B.S. in Environmental Studies at The University of Kansas

Research Interest: Agroecology, soil ecology, restoration ecology, climate change, environmental activism. I am fascinated by plants and their root systems, soil microorganisms, and how these two interact with and are changed by the other. With a changing climate and challenging socio-economic conditions; I believe that farmers, scientists, and community members must all work together to find innovative solutions to these crises. At Western I plan on studying the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in commercial raspberry plant systems and production.

About/Hobbies: I grew up in the rich soils of Northeastern Kansas. Outside of academia, I am passionate about furthering environmental and social justice. I also enjoy hiking, reading, and crafting. I am currently making chainmail pieces out of pop tabs (please give me your pop tabs).

Emily Ralston

Emily Ralston

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Dr Rebecca Bunn

Undergraduate Degree: BS, Environmental Science, University of Oregon

Research Interest: Funded by the Native FEWS Alliance, my research will investigate the mechanisms behind the success of traditional methods for cultivating camas, a traditional food.

About/Hobbies: I am an active person who loves to spend time outside in almost every way. I love food: growing it, supporting local producers, preparing meals, and sharing food with others.

Emma Michael

Emma Michael


Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Dr Ruth Sofield

Undergraduate Degree: Louisiana Tech University, B.S. in Environmental Science

Research Interest: I am broadly interested in studying the interactions between aquatic organisms and certain environmental contaminants. I have a strong passion for the sustainability of Washington’s salmonid fisheries and will focus my research on better understanding the negative effects that certain molecules of emerging concern may have on marine ecosystems. My undergraduate research focused on the effect certain environmental conditions had on contaminants, and I would like to use my time at Western to study more ways of degrading certain molecules negatively affecting Washington’s aquatic ecosystems.

About/Hobbies: I lived in Louisiana for most of my life, but I decided to move away once I graduated from college. I drove all the way from Louisiana to Washington, and I have loved every minute of it! I currently work with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife as a Scientific Technician that samples many different aquatic species, including halibut, lingcod, rockfish, tuna, coho salmon, chinook salmon, and even steelhead trout! I spend most of my free time reading or hanging out with my two cats, Buttons and Gibby!

Gabe Diephius

Gabe Diephius

Degree Pursuing: MS, Marine and Estuarine Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr David Shull

Undergraduate Degree: UW, B.S. Oceanography

Research Interest: My primary research interests are studying chemistry cycling within Salish sea sediments. Particularly how sediment ventilation by buried organic matter such as eelgrass impacts denitrification and nitrogen species fluxes in sediments, to determine causes of high variability in chemical fluxes across Puget Sound bottom water. I will work with novel sensing techniques for dimensional analyses of nitrogen species with Dr. David Shull. I hope to apply this research to current and future waste management and runoff control regulatory methods.

About/Hobbies: I am eager to continue my education in Western's Marine and Estuarine Science program, which is a great opportunity for me to continue to gain research experience in marine science, especially learning advanced methods in biochemical data collection. I grew up in the Bellingham area and have had a passion for studying the Salish Sea and its watersheds for many years. Western is a great choice for me as it's closer to home and family. In my free time, I enjoy skiing/snowboarding, camping, fishing, and exploring new places.

Genevieve Gislason

Genevieve Gislason

Degree Pursuing: MA, Faculty-Student Designed (Landscape Planning)

Faculty Advisor: Dr Steven Hollenhorst

Undergraduate Degree: BA in Studio Art at WWU (2020)

Research Interest: My research interests are around resilient forest management in the San Juans. Specifically how fire can, and has, shaped vegetation in our ecosystem. As a farmer, I’m also interested in the impact surrounding forest health has on agricultural lands.

About/Hobbies: I’ve called San Juan Island home for much of my life. My childhood summers consisted of running around barefoot eating salmonberries and wild greens, swimming in the sea, and building forts in ocean spray thickets. I love the incredible ecosystems of this archipelago.

I graduated from WWU in 2020 with a BA in Studio Art and maintain an art practice using mediums such as printmaking, acrylic painting, and mixed media collage that focuses on beauty in the mundane. Throughout my life I’ve worked all sorts of jobs: as a baker in commercial kitchens for nearly a decade, at New Hannah Farm on SJI for the past 4 years where I now manage planting logistics, and odd jobs such as caring for Garry oak saplings, teaching youth art programs, and art commissions.

I joined the Islands Conservation Corps for the 23-24 season. Through ICC I’ve met some incredible people, gotten excited about conservation, and found my next career move. I’m looking forward to pursuing a MA in Landscape Planning with the intent to work for a public land agency here in the San Juans after graduation.

Harrison Collett

Harrison Collett

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr David Rossiter

Undergraduate Degree: BS, Business Administration, USC

Research Interest: I am interested in historical geography, political geography, and the history of science and technology. My research focuses on the evolution of ecosystem service provisions by dam operators in the Columbia River Basin. I hope to investigate how disparate efforts to restore damaged ecosystems along a transboundary waterway led to a shared terminology and political consensus capable of challenging entrenched interests along the river. I believe this creates new possibilities for connecting a fragmented system and is best situated in the context of Columbia River Treaty renegotiations.

About/Hobbies: I enjoy swimming, hiking, skiing, and reading environmental history. I have spent the last several years in Seattle working various jobs for governmental resource management agencies and would like to find my way back into that sphere after graduation. I am currently finishing a GIS certification from Oregon State University and hope to continue practicing spatial analysis at Western.

Ian McBride

Ian McBride

Degree Pursuing: MS, Marine and Estuarine Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr Brian Bingham/Dr Sylvia Yang

Undergraduate Degree: BS, Marine and Coastal Science, WWU

Research Interest: The research I started during undergrad and plan to continue through graduate school has focused chiefly on eelgrass stress responses due to increased seawater temperatures and how these responses differ between population and life history. But, more broadly, I’m interested in how this research and the implementation of agriculture-like techniques can inform new and innovative restoration projects for creating more robust ecosystems.

About/Hobbies: I grew up in the high deserts of Idaho, and since moving to Washington in 2018, I’ve grown more and more connected to the sea. These days, I don’t think about that dry, dusty climate anymore and find my life revolving evermore around Washington coastlines. If I’m not working in one of our many waterways, you can at least find me playing in them.

Kaitlin Barrailler

Kaitlin Barrailler

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr Cameron Whitley

Undergraduate Degree: BA in Sociology from WWU, 2023

Research Interest: Being a lifelong resident of this region, I've always been passionate about the Salish Sea and its connections to our lives. I have a particular interest in the field of marine conservation, specifically where it intersects with animal depictions and empathy. My background in sociology brought me to a project on marine animals without faces, and I'm interested in expanding upon this further with the help of conservation orgs and community partnerships

About/Hobbies: In my free time I love walking Whatcom County's beaches! Otherwise, I'll be busying myself with the performing arts (theater and music!), making films with my friends, doing game nights, crafting miniature furniture, and trying to cook new things.

Genevive Gislason

Nichola Gregory

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr Marco Hatch

Undergraduate Degree: Oregon State University, BS Earth Science with Ocean Science focus and a Marine Biology and Ecology Minor

Research Interest: My research interests involve finding novel ways to use drone and GIS technologies to support environmental and marine science projects. I'm also interested in how communities successfully work together to accomplish their goals of conservation and stewardship.

About/Hobbies: Growing up in Oregon allowed me to learn from the beautiful rivers, wetlands, and ocean that also call the Pacific Northwest home. In my free time, I can be found reading, hiking with my dog, or tidepooling with a friend. I'm looking forward to exploring Bellingham and continuing my education in marine sciences at Western Washington University.

Nick Walsh

Nick Walsh

Degree Pursuing: MA, Faculty-Student Designed (Landscape Planning)

Faculty Advisor: Dr Grace Wang

Undergraduate Degree: BS, Environmental Engineering, University of California, San Diego

Research Interest: forest resiliency and diversity

About/Hobbies: Nick is an enthusiast outdoor advocate from the Bay Area CA that values understanding the relationship between healthy environments and thriving communities. This affinity for nature led to a bachelors in Environmental Engineering (UC San Diego 2018) and professional work in scientific research, sustainability initiatives, and natural resource management. He has enjoyed previous roles as a spotted owl surveyor, outdoor educator, and project manager, and hopes to better understand ecological restoration techniques for application in environmental work. His hobbies include board games, sports, and leisure time.

Prizma Chapagain

Prizma Chapagain

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr Rebekah Paci-Green

Undergraduate Degree: B.Sc. in Environmental Science, Kathmandu University

Research Interest: Climate justice, climate vulnerable communities, climate change & human dimensions, and policy formulations. I will particularly work to assess the impacts of climate change on Nepal’s climate vulnerable communities residing on the steep slopes. Such places have historically received less attention in terms of research, climate justice and policy formulation. I want to advocate the concerns of these vulnerable communities to higher policy platforms and transform findings into sustainable outcomes for their wellbeing.

About/Hobbies: I come from the country of mountains, Nepal. Mountains and nature have been a huge part of our identity and personally speaking it's the same mountains that led me to the path of Environmental Studies. When I first visited Washington, I fell in love with its landscape and nature, which pretty much reminds me of back home. I love going on hikes and doing outdoor activities which is why joining Western and living in Bellingham for the next couple of years excites me already. In addition to that, I love cooking, reading, and exploring new things. I am also equally excited to try activities like biking, kayaking and skiing which I have never done before.

Taylor Kibrick

Taylor Kibrick

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr Aquila Flower

Undergraduate Degree: Cal Poly Humboldt, B.S in Environmental Science: Ecological Restoration

Research Interest: It’s my goal to clarify how human activity, climate change, and ecological disturbances are impacting native natural resources and their resiliency to environmental pressures. By using population dynamics data and ecosystem modeling, I want shape restoration and conservation long term goals in sensitive habitats. For the purpose of shaping land management practices and decisions, I’m most excited in using GIS and statistical computing to visually demonstrate oak and prairie habitat change through time.

About/Hobbies: I’m grateful for my early appreciation of nature sparked by the backpacking trips to places like Alaska and the High Sierra my parents would take me on. This passion led me to a career in conservation and resource protection. After graduating from Cal Poly Humboldt, I worked at Redwood National Park doing botany, forestry, and watershed projects focused on habitat restoration. I particularly enjoyed implementing thinning practices and prescribed burning to oak woodlands, as well as surveying for rare plants in previously logged redwood forests. When I’m not in the field, I’m busy planning my next backpacking and climbing adventures, reading philosophy, carving up a linoleum block print, or jamming with my roommates.

Tilali Scanlan

Tilali Scanlan

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies (Policy)

Faculty Advisor: Dr Rebekah Paci-Green

Undergraduate Degree: BSc in Marine Science, University of the South Pacific at Suva, Fiji

Research Interest: Climate change risk assessments and mitigation techniques for coastal communities, particularly in relation to increased damage risks from rising sea levels on low lying infrastructure. My small Pacific island is threatened by the synergistic threats of rising sea levels, post seismic plate subsidence and increased storm intensity from a changing climate. My culture and people are closely tied to our oceans and coastal areas, but these very center poles to our Pasifika communities are being heavily affected by climate change. While I am at WWU, I hope to dive deeper into understanding these risks, identify mitigation techniques which fit our communities and learn more about the tools which may help plan for a more sustainable approach to development in coastal communities.

About/Hobbies: I love being in and near the water, which I often call my second home. My background as an Olympic swimmer for my country intertwines well with my career as a marine biologist. Coral reef biology and coral taxonomy is where I would say my niche is, but my time working in my home waters the past three years has opened my eyes to many more climate change hazards and risks my community is facing. Sustainable development in coastal zones is a huge challenge for American Samoa, where more than 70% of our communities live in high-risk coastal zones. I hope my time as a WWU student will help me to identify positive solutions to these issues and fill more knowledge gaps we have on community risk perceptions in relation to climate change in the South Pacific Islands.

2023 Cohort

Anthony Tulloch

Anthony Tulloch

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science – Marine and Estuarine Science 

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Kathryn Sobocinski and Dr. Aquila Flower 

Undergraduate Degree: WWU, B.S Environmental Science – Freshwater and Terrestrial Ecology 

Research Interest: My interests are in studying habitat changes and impacts on native and invasive species, adaptations of species to a changing environment, ecosystem modeling, as well as utilizing GIS to analyze both large- and small-scale environmental topics such as species recovery and reintroduction. My research project will be assessing habitat change with respect to juvenile salmon within the Whidbey basin using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The goal of this project is to examine the effectiveness of habitat restoration within estuaries and river deltas of the Whidbey basin, specifically focusing on the improvement of critical habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon through habitat restoration projects over the last 25 years. 

About Me/Hobbies: I am very excited to return to Western to complete my graduate degree, and to help further my experiences studying and working within the Salish Sea region. I can’t wait to explore the intersection of fish ecology and GIS, and to help assist in the understanding of how to preserve our state’s salmon stocks for future generations. Outside of school I’m often spending time with friends and family, reading, exploring new topics like paleontology, or hanging out in the outdoors. 

Ashlyn Lee

Ashlyn Lee


Degree Pursuing: M.S. Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Ruth Sofield

Undergraduate Degree: B.Sc Environmental Science, Toxicology Emphasis, WWU

Research Interest: My primary research interest is studying the effects of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC’s) in surface waters and their effects on marine and freshwater organisms. With a focus on pesticides, antibiotics, phthalates, and perfluorinated alkyl substances.

About Me/ Hobbies: I grew up in Washington and I’ve lived in Bellingham for the last few years. I have a little tiny kitten named Kitten Girl. My favorite activities include swimming, walking on the beach, making jewelry, and painting my nails. I am so excited to continue at Western pursuing my masters.

Austin Valenti

Austin Valenti

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Erika McPhee-Shaw

Undergraduate Degree: WWU B.S. in Environmental Science – Marine Science Emphasis

Research Interest: My academic interests are in marine heat wave events and physical oceanography. I will be looking at the effects these heat waves have on the Salish Sea, and its physical properties. Utilizing current modeling and the NANOOS network, I hope to test a few hypotheses on the marine heat wave event that occurred in 2021 while also looking at trends and future predictions. Specifically looking at how/if the warmer water influences estuarine exchange within the Salish Sea.

About/Hobbies: I am a big nerd that loves board games, D&D, video games, and miniature figurine painting. I am originally from Phoenix, Arizona where I spent most of my life until I moved up to Washington in 2019. Since moving up here I have fallen in love with the PNW and the water. Being from a desert, I have found it challenging at times studying Marine Science. I do enjoy the challenge though and I am excited to see what I will learn throughout this program.

Bo MacArthur

Bo MacArthur

Degree Pursuing: M.A. in Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Gigi Berardi

Undergraduate Degree: University of California Santa Cruz, B.S. in Geology

Research interests: In broad terms, I am academically interested in sustainable food systems, agroecology, and land use. The way we grow, produce, and distribute our food has an enormous impact on our environment and personal health. I am interested in studying how agricultural practices contribute to or mitigate the effects of climate change, affect food resilience, and provide nutritious food for a growing population.

About me / Hobbies: I completed my undergraduate degree in 2015 and am now excited to start a new chapter by returning to graduate school. I moved to Bellingham in the summer of 2020 with my wife. We chose Bellingham primarily for the amazing access to world-class outdoor recreation. I spend much of my free time mountain biking, hiking, running, paddling, and growing food in my newly planted home garden. I have two border collies, ages 4 months and 2 years, and I started doing agility competitions with my older dog this summer, which has quickly become my newest passion.

Chloe Cason

Chloe Cason

Degree Seeking: MS, Marine & Estuarine Science (Environmental Science)

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sam Kastner

Undergraduate Degree: WWU BS Marine and Coastal Science, 2023

Research Interest: I am passionate about connecting physical sciences with the ways we interact with the environment both in the past and present to better inform the future. In particular I am interested in observing and quantifying the physical processes within clam gardens that create bivalve favorable habitat. Combining indigenous knowledge with marine science will not only deepen my understanding of the unique nearshore ecology, but also my appreciation of the Salish Sea’s services to us.

More about me: I enjoy spending every free moment I have outside whether it be kayaking, biking or just having a beach walk. If I'm not outside I am likely to be found enjoying live music, craft nights and baking. I have always had a deeper interest in our waters and have been passionate about exploring them my whole life. Discovering connections between marine ecology, chemistry, geology and climate brought me to WWU and I am so glad to have stuck around!

Ella Hall

Ella Hall

Degree Pursuing: M.S. in Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Alia Khan

Undergraduate Degree: University of Colorado Boulder, 2021, B.A. in Environmental Studies, minor in Geology, certificate in Arctic Studies

Research Interest: Studying the impacts of light-absorbing particles such as dust, snow algae and black carbon on snow and ice-covered areas and researching the correlation between wildfires and glaciers.

About/Hobbies: In my free time, I enjoy mountain biking, backcountry skiing, sea kayaking, and otherwise spending time in the mountains. I am passionate about studying the environments that I play in because I have seen the impacts that climate change is having on them firsthand. The rate at which the climate is changing and how interconnected all of Earth’s systems are is what motivates me to research how we can better prepare to exist in a world that is continually changing.

Elle Gasperini

Elle Gasperini

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies (Policy)

Faculty Advisor: Dr Xi Wang

Undergraduate Degree: Undergraduate Degree (Degree and College): University of Puget Sound, International Political Economy with a Minor in Environmental Policy

Research Interest: My research interests lie at the intersection of community engagement and policy, especially related to climate change. I have seen that people want to engage in climate and environmental issues but often don’t know how or feel disempowered, and so there is a need for clearer pathways for policy engagement. I am also interested in best practices related to ensuring policies and plans are informed by those at the community level for the most impactful policy outcomes.

About/Hobbies: I love being outside and in community. Some hobbies are running, paddling, fishing, snowboarding, camping, reading, and spending time in good company.

Ellie Ryan

Ellie Ryan

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alia Khan

Undergraduate Degree: Oregon State University, B.S. in Biology

Research Interest: I am interested in studying the ecology of alpine environments and the current stressors imposed on such environments by climate change. At Western, I will be studying snow algae and its influence on melting snow and icepack in montane ecosystems as a member of the WWU Cryosphere Studies and Aquatic Biogeochemistry Lab, facilitated by Dr. Khan.

About/Hobbies: I grew up recreating in the Cascade Mountains of Central Oregon, and my love for the outdoors (snow in particular) has evolved into a desire to study, understand, and protect alpine ecosystems. I am excited to visit Mt. Baker as both a destination for fieldwork and play. In my free time, I like to rip around on skis, rafts, bikes, or my own two feet. I can also be found preparing and appreciating good food with good people or haphazardly attempting an art project.

Emily Wangsness

Emily Wangsness (she/her)

Degree Pursuing: M.A. in Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Aquila Flower

Undergraduate Degree: B.A. in Political Science (Western Washington University, 2018)

Research Interests: I’m interested in large-scale ecosystem dynamics, particularly in montane forests and coastal marine environments. I’m particularly interested in how organisms respond to rapid changes in climate, how climate change could lead to the development of no-analog climates and the effect that will have on montane and marine ecosystems, and how shared ecosystems are managed across international and interstate boundaries.

About Me: I’ve traveled across the U.S. more times than I’d be able to count, but I’ve always thought of the Northwest – and particularly western Washington along the I-5 corridor – as my home. The geography of the region is fascinating and beautiful; and in many ways, comforting to me as well. I feel at home surrounded by mountains, evergreen trees, and the ocean. I enjoy writing, playing guitar, and playing RPGs (both in video game form and TTRPGs like D&D.)

Eve Bernhard

Eve Bernhard

Degree Seeking: M.A. in Environmental Studies 

Faculty Advisor: Steve Hollenhorst 

Undergraduate Degree: B.A. in Narrative Arts and Sustainable Agriculture at Hampshire College in Massachusetts (2012) 

Research Interest: Botany, environmental conservation and social justice, and ecological restoration. I am particularly interested in working on efforts to save whitebark pine – an ecological and cultural keystone tree species –lives at high elevations in the Pacific Northwest and is being deleteriously threatened by an invasive fungal pathogen as well as mountain pine beetles and climate change. 

About: I grew up among the ancient mountains and fertile river valleys of the Atlantic Northeast, and much of my childhood was spent barefoot in uncut meadows and pathless forests and devouring a wide variety of books. I’ve spent most of my life dwelling in rural spaces, surrounded by wild things. The interconnectivity of all things, both biotic and abiotic, has continually fascinated me. 

Much of my work in the world has been in the tending and studying of plants and animals. I’ve cared for and researched a menagerie of creatures ranging from subalpine butterflies to tiny, endangered cacti to herds of sheep. I have a sincere interest in all sorts of fields, forests, and waterways. Among many hats worn: farmer, goatpacker, nature mentor/outdoor educator, dog walker, seed collector, snowshoe guide, and librarian. 

I moved to the PNW in 2017 to work for the North Cascades National Park as a Biological Science Technician focusing on native plant propagation and ecological monitoring and continued for six more field seasons both there and at Mt. Rainier NP. 

Concurrently with graduate studies at WWU, I will be serving my second year with the San Juan Islands Conservation District’s Islands Conservation Corps (ICC) – implementing restoration and conservation projects throughout the archipelago. 

Hobbies: Writing, gardening, creative cooking, and frolicking in wild spaces with my partner Miles - a bryologist - and sweet hound Nootka. 

Fred Engelfried

Fred Engelfried

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies - Urban Planning and Sustainable Development

Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Miller

Undergraduate Degree: University of Michigan, BA in Psychology

Research Interest: I strive to utilize sustainable development to nurture humans' bond to the land and validate human belonging to the land wherever and however possible through design and the conscious restraint of design. I seek to change or work outside of the current establishment, as future development should follow decolonized strategies, community-centered design, action to preserve land-based frameworks, and a movement to guide future generations to regain indigenous knowledge.

About/Hobbies: I moved to Bellingham in 2022 with my wife, three-year old son, and two dogs. Some of my hobbies include: Flamenco guitar, Nordic Skiing, paddling, foraging and growing food.

Gabrielle Lund

Gabrielle Lund

Degree Pursuing: M.A. in Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Grace Wang

Undergraduate Degrees: B.S. in Environmental Science, B.A. in Political Science (WSU)

Research Interest: As someone interested in human-environment dimensions, I believe ecological problems do not operate in a social vacuum. To achieve lasting and positive environmental change, we must embrace increased collaboration with policymakers, stakeholders, and the community at large. My undergraduate research at Washington State University (WSU) explored the importance of environmental storytelling in science communication, and its implications for community education. Through this experience, I discovered the ever-prevalent importance of increasing science accessibility for non-academic audiences via narrative storytelling. At WWU, I am thrilled to continue this research in science communication and community outreach.

About/Hobbies: When I’m not studying, I enjoy getting coffee with friends, working out, and spending time with my partner. In particular, I love boxing, gardening, and catching up on my favorite TV/movies. I also enjoy being involved with various leadership organizations in my community, and look forward to the many opportunities available in Bellingham.

Jessica Scotten

Jessica Scotten

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science (Marine & Estuarine Science) 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Shull 

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Microbiology, Oregon State University 

Research Interest: My research interests are how the flux of nutrients in environmental compartments impacts ecosystems, on both a chemical and biological scale. I am interested about how different environmental sampling techniques can lead to more informed modeling. I will be working with Dr. Shull on nitrogen cycling and sources in Bellingham Bay. 

About/Hobbies: In my free time, I can usually be found recreating in the wilderness, including running, biking, kayaking, mushroom hunting, and backpacking. This summer, I completed a thru hike of the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada, hiking from my home state of California to my new home in Washington. I also enjoy scuba diving, cooking, photography, painting, and trying to find the limit of my border collie’s energy (hint: the limit does not exist). 

Jonathan McLean

Jonathan McLean

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science, Marine and Estuarine Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr Kathryn Sobocinski

Undergraduate degree: BS, Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

Research Interest: My research interest focuses on salmonid food-web ecology and survival in marine and freshwater environments. More specifically, I’m interested in how growth in juvenile anadromous salmon influence their odds of surviving and returning to their natal streams to reproduce. Identifying these ecological bottlenecks is necessary for making informed management and restoration decisions.

About me/hobbies: I moved to Washington in 2014 to attend the University of Washington and became completely enamored by the Pacific Northwest. My time in UW’s Aquatic and Fishery Sciences program sparked my interest in Pacific Salmon and their role in our ecosystems. I am eager to spend time in the Bellingham area and learn more about its ecology and culture. Some of my hobbies include videogames, model building, paddleboarding, and most recently DJing.

Joyce Block

Joyce Block

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences-MESP

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brian Bingham

Undergraduate Degree: BA Biology University of Idaho

Research Interest: I will be Investigating the effects of temperature on the invasive European Green Crab Carcinus maenas larval growth, development, and survivability in the Salish Sea. Ultimately, my goal is better data to inform models and accurately predict the spread of risk throughout the Salish Sea region and support more effective control efforts.

About You/Hobbies: I am happily married to a consummate outdoorsman named Robert. We alpine and Nordic ski, hike, bike, paddleboard, kayak, whitewater raft, fish and travel the world when we are not taking our two Brittany spaniels-Rumi and Tika, camping in our 17-foot travel trailer.

Juniper Deitering

Juniper Deitering

Degree Pursing: MA, Environmental Studies with a focus in Environmental Policy.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Steve Hollenhorst.

Undergrad Degree: I received my Bachelor of Arts in Physics at Ohio Wesleyan University. (It’s

a tiny liberal arts school north of Columbus, Ohio.)

Research Interests:

I am interested in the intersection between city planning, renewable energy, and politics. While pursuing my degree, I plan to research methods by which the transition to 100% renewable energy can be accelerated through policy that accounts for renewable energy industry issues such as supply-demand imbalance, as well as the needs of local communities.

Hobbies/About Me:

I chose to move from Ohio, to Bellingham, for Western Washington University’s varied and unique collection of upper level environmental classes. The interdisciplinary nature of the Environmental Studies Master’s program was also a strong draw for me, because my interests don’t align exactly with traditional program guidelines.

Because I spent the last few years living in a big city, Columbus, I’m excited to take advantage of all the amazing nature Bellingham has to offer. In addition to exploring nature, some of my favorite activities include reading (mostly science fiction or fantasy), and making art.

Maggie Long

Maggie Long

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Steve Hollenhorst

Undergraduate Degree: Santa Clara University, BS in Economics

Research Interest: My academic interests are focused on land restoration and conservation practices, particularly the intersection between agriculture and restoration. I will be exploring different methods of restoring active farmland in ways that increase agricultural viability in the San Juan Islands while also improving habitat connectivity, water quality, biodiversity, and climate resiliency at the watershed scale.

About/Hobbies: I serve with the Islands Conservation Corps, an AmeriCorps program based out of the San Juan Islands to implement conservation projects on public and private lands in the San Juan Islands with a focus on forest and riparian habitats. I also work with the Conservation District on the county’s Voluntary Stewardship Program which provides technical and financial assistance to farmers to implement conservation practices on agricultural lands in the county.

Beyond conservation interests, I am currently training for the 2024 World Championships in Bern, Switzerland in the sport of Equestrian Vaulting, a mix of dance and gymnastics on horseback. I am also an avid cook and baker, and an aspiring gardener.

Maia Heffernan

Maia Heffernan

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences (Marine and Estuarine Science)

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sam Kastner

Undergraduate Degree: WWU, B.S. in Marine and Coastal Science

Research Interest: Throughout my undergraduate degree, I realized that I wanted to pursue research that lies at the nexus of marine science, sustainability, and social justice. I was so excited when I realized that my master’s project will fulfill that wish. I will be working with my advisor, Dr. Sam Kastner, as well as Dr. Marco Hatch and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community to assess the state of their new clam garden. Clam gardens are an ancestral practice of many indigenous peoples in the Pacific Northwest. They are used to increase the yield of shellfish collection in order to feed community members. My project will focus on assessing water movement and properties within the clam garden to aid the Swinomish in their pursuit of a scientific understanding of the garden. The work will also include education to the public about this ancestral practice and how oceanographic work can tie in to social and sustainable issues.  

About/Hobbies: I chose Western Washington University's master’s program in Marine and Estuarine Science because of the amazing project I will be pursuing. Having completed my undergraduate degree at Western, I am so happy I will have the ability to continue my education while also giving back to local communities. I grew up in Seattle, so most of my hobbies consist of different ways to enjoy the beauty of this region. They include skiing, biking, hiking, and more recently wing foiling. Besides outdoor recreation, I like to cook, read, and paint.

Nichole Ring

Nichole Ring

Degree Pursuing: MS in Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Leo Bodensteiner and Jim Helfield

Undergraduate Degree: University of Massachusetts Amherst - BS with individual concentration in Fisheries Science and Media Production

Research Interests: I’m especially interested in aquatic ecosystems in glacial rivers. Bull trout, a federally listed species, utilizes this complex coldwater habitat, and climate change and encroachment from non-native brook trout threaten their continued survival in this area. My research will use environmental DNA to look at species distribution by temperature in the headwaters of the White River at Mount Rainier National Park in order to determine where species overlap may occur.

About/Hobbies: As a native New Jerseyian I grew up catching fish in culverts dreaming of the day I could explore bigger rivers. My passion for aquatic science grew when I studied fisheries science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Before pursuing my masters, I worked all around the intermountain west and the pacific northwest as an aquatic scientist for various government and non-profit agencies collecting data and creating content for science communication. For the past three years I’ve called western Washington home and worked for the National Park Service at Mount Rainier National Park as an aquatic science technician.

My hobbies include hiking, splitboarding, or making art with friends. I especially love spending time by the water with my 110 pound great pyrenees, Nola.

Oliver Simic

Oliver Simic

Degree Pursuing: Masters in Environmental Studies-GIS Focus

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Medler

Undergraduate Degree: Horticulture

Research Interests: The application of Geospatial Information Systems to natural disaster risk mitigation and wildland fire prevention and mapping.

About: I’ve been a jack-of-all trades throughout my life; working as a farm hand, carpenter, soil scientist, arborist, emergency manager, and most recently as a wildland firefighter for the US Forest Service and the National Park Service. I’ve had an amateur boxing and Thai boxing career, and lived in several South American countries. I’ve been a fortunate soul to travel and adventure widely and learn deeply from a plethora of incredible individuals. I always enjoy a strong challenge and quality discourse with other curiously-minded people.

Hobbies: I’m an avid competitor and student of Brazilian Jiujitsu and Folkstyle wrestling. I am also a long-term practitioner of Vipassana Meditation and consider my practice integral to the quality of my life. I enjoy spending my free time weightlifting with my wife, reading political and social history books, and listening to podcasts or audiobooks.

Rosa Nelson (she/ella)

Rosa Nelson (she/ella)

Degree: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Troy Abel

Undergraduate Degree: BA, Environmental Studies from Saint Mary’s College of California

Research Interest: I am interested in working with the South Seattle community on environmental policy that centers community voices. I will be looking at ways that environmental justice concerns in South Seattle can be addressed in an equitable and sustainable way. I am specifically interested in incorporating community based science in environmental policy.

About me: I was raised in Northern California, which instilled a deep love and respect for the natural world. I currently work for an environmental non-profit which allows me to merge my love for natural resources with community engagement and advocacy building. In my free time, I love being on any body of water and have recently taken up dragon boating.

Ryan Bottem

Ryan Bottem

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Dr Charles Barnhart

Undergraduate Degree: WWU B.S. in Energy Science & Technology

Research Interest: I will be applying my background in energy science to the broader systems of indoor and outdoor agriculture the with a life cycle assessment of regional cannabis cultivation carbon intensities as a long-term objective. The industry has a broad range of standard practices, which I hope to clarify with my energy/environmental assessment.

About/Hobbies: My time with the Institute for Energy Studies here at WWU was formative and provided me many opportunities, the relationships I have with my peers have inspired me to carry on here in Bellingham, I’m deeply excited to be broadening my scope to Environmental Science.

I find myself most often crafting with my partner or outside with friends. I’ve recently been working on miniature dioramas of various themes, which I hope will roll into some architectural model creations.

Sean Grealish

Sean Grealish

Degree pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kathryn Sobocinski

Undergraduate Degree: University of Puget Sound, BS Biology

Your Research Interest: The impacts of warming temperatures and habitat destruction on coastal ecosystem cycles and population dynamics are my research interest along with the changes in species survival and adaptation within estuary systems that will result from those shifts. In Prof. Sobocinski’s lab I look forward to studying juvenile salmonid prey in both natural and restored sections of the Snohomish river basin to better understand caloric availability and the potential importance of restoration work in conserving vital food sources for at-risk Chinook populations.

About You/Hobbies: Even while still completing my undergraduate degree down in Tacoma I knew that Washington would be my preferred location to continue my studies. So, being able to stay on the shores of the Salish Sea at Western felt like a perfect fit especially since my research interests lie in the Marine and Estuary Sciences program. I am very much looking forward to enjoying all the outdoor opportunities Bellingham has to offer since I enjoy gravel and mountain biking, downhill and xc skiing, disc golf, camping and sailing during my free time.

Ty Stephenson sits outside on a grassy hill

Ty Stephenson

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Angela Strecker 

Education: Virginia Tech, B.S. Fish and Wildlife Conservation 

Research Interests: During my time at Virginia Tech, I worked on projects studying the effects of coal mining contaminants on freshwater mussels, the distribution of the threatened bog turtle, community and behavioral ecology of bluehead chubs and their nesting associates, and the long-term changes in the fish community in Blacksburg’s local streams. I have worked for trout unlimited studying how native trout populations respond to habitat enhancement projects, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Aquatic Assessment Crew studying fish, toad, and snake populations across Wyoming. Most recently I spent time working for the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Watershed Assessment Branch. I am motivated by learning about how environmental changes, anthropogenic or otherwise affect aquatic environments and their biotic communities. I hope to continue to utilize my skills to study our aquatic ecosystems so that we may better understand and manage our freshwater resources. 

At WWU I will be working in the Strecker lab examining spatial and temporal trends in macroinvertebrate communities and water quality in aquatic ecosystems in the North Coast and Cascades Network, including mountain lakes and streams in North Cascades, Mount Rainier, and Olympic National Park. 

About/hobbies: I love being outside and spend my time running in the woods, biking, kayaking and snorkeling. I also enjoy learning about the natural world, playing guitar, and reading a good book. I am excited to explore Bellingham and the surrounding area! 

2022 Cohort


Anne Wilce wearing a red cap throws a snowball at the camera

Anne Wilce

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alia Khan

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Geophysics, Western Washington University

Research Interest: My research interests are broad, but all relate to the effects of climate change and feedback processes in the cryosphere. This includes reduction in snow cover, changes in snow albedo, mass loss from ice sheets and glaciers, and glacial hydrology. Polar landscapes have always magnetized me, and this has steered my educational path. I am honored to return to WWU to work under Dr. Alia Khan on her snow algae and albedo research.

Ariel Shiley stands in front of a huge tree

Ariel Shiley

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brooke Love

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Environmental Science, Geology Major, WWU

Research Interest: My research interest is in the effect climate change and water quality has on wildlife. I am working with Brooke Love on a project about herring adaptability to current climate change trends. I am also in the GIS Masters Certificate program, and plan on continuing GIS work after graduation.

Baleigh Rumsey poses on a sunny day on top of a mountain

Baleigh Rumsey

Degree Pursuing: M.A. Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Grace Wang

Undergraduate Degree: B.A. Secondary English/Language Arts Education, Central Washington University

About/Hobbies: My spare time is often full of activities and escapades that get me outside, including Chanterelle picking in the fall, swimming in the Stilliguamish River, willing the vegetables and fruits in my garden to grow, and backpacking in the Darrington Ranger District. Having just finished a backcountry ranger gig with Olympic National Park, I am looking forward to learning how to play the banjo (optimistically) and climbing at the local gyms.

Colby Rand

Colby Rand

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alia Khan

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Earth and Climate Sciences, University of Maine
Research Interest: My research focuses on using drones and satellite imagery to remotely sense snow algae in alpine and glaciated environments. Snow algae reduce the albedo of snow and ice, thus causing it to absorb more energy from the Sun. This results in increased snowmelt, which I am hoping to help quantify. I am conducting much of my fieldwork here in the Cascade Range, where I am helping to collect snow algae samples and record their GPS locations.

About/Hobbies: I was drawn to Western Washington University because of the opportunity to conduct research in the beautiful Cascade mountains and to experiment with how we can use drones and satellites to monitor changes to our cryosphere. Bellingham is the perfect place for many of my interests, including hiking, alpine and Nordic skiing, biking, camping, and visiting the local breweries and events. Having lived in Maine for much of my life, this was a great opportunity to try out West coast living and explore the PNW.

Colter Lemons holds a pickaxe on top of a snowy mountain.

Colter Lemons

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies - Geography

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Andy Bach

Undergraduate Degree: WWU B.S. in Environmental Science - Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology; B.A. Geography; Geographic Information Science Certification; & Mountain Research Skills Certification

Research Interest: My research will focus on mapping glacial moraines deposited during the Little Ice Age in the Mt. Baker area. I have performed my own research in Huascaran National Park in the Peruvian Andes, studying environmental factors related to the parasitic fungi, Leptosphaeria polylepidis, and its impact on Polylepis groves. I have also performed research on fungi recolonization in the Elwha Restoration Ecosystem in the Olympic National Park.

About/Hobbies: Western Washington University's graduate program was perfect for me! With a passion for exploring all forms of topography and environments, WWU is situated in a location proximate to Mt. Baker, where I desired to perform research as well as providing access to the Puget Sound, Canada, and the wonders of the greater Bellingham area. As an avid hiker, backpacker, and mountaineer WWU was the best combination of recreational access and educational opportunity for me.

Cris Paradis

Cris Paradis

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Sciences

Faculty Advisor: Manuel Montaño

Undergraduate Degree: WWU B.S. in Environmental Science freshwater and terrestrial ecology

Research Interest: Since I will be helping with a grant I am extremely excited about the fate and transport of neonicotinoid insecticides through riparian zones. I also find great interest in microplastics and their movement through the NW food web specifically focusing on the build up in Orcas through their food source of Salmon.

About/Hobbies: I am originally from Portland Maine and moved out here for college. While I enjoy my fair share of outdoor actives like climbing, I also enjoy time spent inside working on computers or doing some creative writing. I also really like film and tv and any pop culture trivia that might go along with that.

Gary Boba looks up while holding a camera

Gary Boba

Degree Pursuing: Environmental Science MS

Advisor: Dr Aquila Flower

Undergraduate Degree: Environmental Science BS, GIS Certificate, College of the Environment

Research Interest: During my undergraduate study, I developed my skills as a Geographic Information Science expert and applied those skills to many basic ecological analyses. My goal with this program is to refine that skillet and knowledge in order to study the effects of Climate Change on certain high-profile species. In particular, my project concerns the historical current, and potential future ranges of the Western Spruce Budworm in response to rapidly changing climate variables.

About Me: I loved my time in undergrad at the WWU College of the Environment, and in particular the passion and camaraderie of the faculty. When I decided to pursue a master's degree, Western stood out as a place with a teaching environment where I could develop my skills and my passion at the same time, through the care and support of my past and future professors. And of course, I love and miss Bellingham dearly. I'm looking forward to returning both for my education, and to continue practicing my favorite hobbies, such as birding, photography, and climbing. No doubt you'll find me in the Arboretum all the time!

Jenna Schroeder wearing floral garment poses in front of a flowering shrub.

Jenna Schroeder

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Rybczyk

Undergraduate Degree: BS, Environmental Science, WSU-Pullman

Research Interest: I am interested in assisting restoration efforts, particularly for estuaries. I will be studying estuaries within Washington to determine the effectiveness of current restoration efforts. With time I hope to also help guide future efforts to further maximize the impact to the ecosystems.

About/Hobbies: I am from Eastern Washington and love going on hikes and spending time outdoors. I'm excited to get over to the west side of the state and have some lush forests to explore and some new organisms to identify along the way. I like to also spend my free time continually improving on my garden that I have curated for our local pollinators and birds.

Kaitlin Macaranas

Kaitlin Macaranas

Degree Pursuing: M.S. in Environmental Science, Marine and Estuarine Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brian Bingham

Undergraduate Degree: B.S. in Biology at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB)

Research Interest: I am broadly interested in studying how altered environmental conditions via anthropogenic pollution, climate change, and invasive species influence marine invertebrate species interaction, community structure, and biodiversity in critical coastal wetland habitats. As a 2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellow, I will investigate the ecological impacts of an invasive polychaete worm (Clymenella torquata) on the vital eelgrass habitats in Padilla Bay, WA.

About/Hobbies: I am a first-generation, Filipino-American graduate student born and raised in the arid Central Valley of California. While at CUB, I participated in the 2021 Shannon Point Marine Center REU program and developed a project establishing the benthic macroinvertebrate communities throughout Padilla Bay. My excitement to continue and expand this project and to explore the breathtaking state of Washington collectively inspired my decision to attend WWU!

Kathryn Williams poses in front of a coastal scene

Kathryn Williams

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Suzanne Strom

Undergraduate Degree/University: Western Washington University, B.S in Environmental Science with an emphasis in Marine Ecology

Research Interests: I enjoy studying broad scale environmental processes and how different environmental stressors can impact them. Dr. Strom's lab is a part of the Northern Gulf of Alaska Ecological Research program and studies planktonic communities in the Gulf of Alaska. I'm interested in conducting a project that will help answer just one of the Strom Lab's overarching questions which is: How do changes in climatology influence the planktonic communities in the Northern Gulf of Alaska?

About You/Hobbies: I've wanted to be a marine scientist since I was in the second grade. When it came time to go to college, I chose to go to Western Washington University because it was close to the ocean, provided undergraduate research opportunities, offered a degree in marine science, and ultimately because of the Marine Science Scholars Program at Shannon Point Marine Center.

Nikhil Amin poses outdoors in front of a body of water

Nikhil Amin

Degree Pursuing: MS, Environmental Science

Faculty Advisor: Dr Leo Bodensteiner

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Geology, Western Washington University

Research Interest: My interests, stemming from my undergraduate research, revolve around salmon ecology. I will be studying the most significant river reaches/ tributaries according to size and function as fish habitats throughout the Skagit watershed using a spatially explicit array of microelemental signatures. These signatures will be obtained seasonally and analyzed using an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS).

About/Hobbies: I enjoy a healthy combination of outdoor and indoor activities. I can be easily persuaded to head up to Baker or to have a beer and play some cards (I'm a lover of cribbage and euchre). After a 3-year hiatus, I cannot wait to be back in Bellingham to continue my higher education!

Susan Ridl

Susan Ridl

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr Steve Hollenhorst

Undergraduate Degree: B.S. Biology, Westminster College, SLCUT

Research Interest: GIS and Environmental Impact Assessments to better understand ecosystems and our relationships with natural resources.

About/Hobbies: The past few years I have been dividing my time between working in a hospital laboratory during the pandemic, working toward a new career in conservation, and remodeling a home with my partner. I enjoy listening to music and learning Spanish on Duolingo to one day do some traveling.

Yashel Kakavand poses in front of a pool

Yashel Kakavand

Degree Pursuing: MA, Environmental Studies

Faculty Advisor: Dr Rebekah Paci-Green

Undergraduate Degree: B.S. in Architecture, IKIU, Iran

Graduate Degree: M.S. in Post-Disaster Reconstruction, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran

Research Interest: My research interests include disaster recovery planning, hazard mitigation, and vulnerability assessment. My research in WWU will be about disaster recovery planning, the planning for disaster recovery before disasters occur to ensure policies and procedures facilitate rapid and equitable recovery that supports communities in reducing future losses and increasing adaptation to future hazard events.

About/Hobbies: I have worked as an architect in Iran, an earthquake-prone country. After my first M.Sc. degree in Post-Disaster Reconstruction, I learned the importance of resiliency. I believe that Western Washington University provides me the opportunity to promote my knowledge in this area.