Toxicology and Societies Speaker Series

Toxicology and Societies: The Impacts of Chemicals in Our Lives

Brought to you in partnership with WWU's Institute of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (IETC) and the WWU Alumni Association.

Western’s Institute of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (IETC) and the WWU Alumni Association is sponsoring this speaker series to help people better appreciate and understand how toxicology is important to them, their families, their friends, and their communities.  In short, how does Toxicology affect Society?  Toxicology is also called ‘the science of poisons’, as it deals with any chemicals that affect health in a negative way.  Over the course of the next several months, we will be hosting a series of presentations that explore the many facets of this issue. Learn more about this series.

Visit the archived Fall 2020 - Spring 2021,  Fall 2021 - Spring 2022,  and Fall - Spring 2022-2023 presentations (with information about the speakers and links to the recorded presentations).  You can also view the presentations compiled in one place.

Spring 2024 Schedule

Title:  Protecting the Health of Future Generations Through Community-Based Research and Actions

Speaker: Pamela Miller (Alaska Community Action on Toxics)
Date: April 4, 2024. 11-12 pm (PT)
Learn more about our speaker and the presentation. Watch a recording of this presentation.


Title: Environmental chemical drivers of health inequities and chronic disease

Speaker: Tracey Woodruff (University of California, San Francisco)
Date: May 2, 2024. 11-12 pm (PT)
Learn more about our speaker and the presentation. Watch a recording of this presentation.


Title: The Chemical Regulations Landscape: An Overview of Regulations, Trends, and Litigation

Speaker: Kirstin Gruver (Beveridge and Diamond Law)
Date: June  6, 2024. 11-12 pm (PT)
Learn more about Kristin and the presentation. Register here for this free (and virtual) event. 

Fall 2023 Schedule

Mining risks to the salmon watersheds of northwestern North America

Speaker: Chris Sergeant (Flathead Lake Biological Station)
Date: October 5, 2023. 11-12 pm (PT)
Learn more about Chris and the presentation. Watch a recording of this presentation.


Regulatory toxicology in your life: What you should know about the products you use

Speaker: Abigail Bline (Silent Spring Institute and Northeastern University)
Date: November 2, 2023. 11-12 pm (PT)
Learn more about Abigail and the presentation. Watch a recording of this presentation.


A Cautionary Tale for Environmental Justice: Pollution, Deliberation, and the Paradox of Public Engagement in Canada’s Chemical Valley

Speaker: Sarah Marie Wiebe (University of Victoria)
Date: December 7, 2023. 11-12 pm (PT)
Learn more about Sara and the presentation. A recording of the presentation is here.

Winter 2024 Schedule

The East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment: Impacts, Uncertainties and Emerging Lessons

Speaker: Ted Schettler (The Science and Environmental Health Network)
Date: February 1, 2024. 11-12 pm (PT)
Learn more about Ted and the presentation. A recording of the presentation is here.


From Poop to Policy - What Feces Can Tell Us About the Health of the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales

Speaker: Deborah Giles (Wild Orca)
Date: March 7, 2024. 11-12 pm (PT)
Learn more about Giles and the presentation. A recording of the presentation is here. 

These events are free; registration is required.

For more presentations about Environmental issues, visit the Environmental Speaker Series page