Internship, Senior Thesis, Senior Project, and International Study Information
Most of the majors offered by WWU College of the Environment require students to complete 5 credits of experiential learning. These credits can be any combination of Internship, Senior Project, Senior Thesis, or some International Studies courses.
The College of the Environment requires that all Internship, Senior Thesis, Senior Project, and International Study Reports be submitted in a digital format (PDF). Some completed reports are available through the WWU Library on WESTERN CEDAR.
If you have any questions about internships, projects or thesis, schedule an appointment with Ed Weber.
Important Information
You MUST be registered for internship credits (ENVS 498B, UEPP 498B, or ESCI 498B) during the quarter in which ANY part of the internship is being performed, to include Summer Session. The number of credits enrolled each quarter should match the hours you are working on the internship. 30 hours work = 1 credit of internship. Internships often take more than one quarter to complete. In that case, you should estimate the amount of time you will work each quarter, and split your credits accordingly.
- Example: You perform internship for 240 hours during Summer Session and 60 hours during Fall Quarter. You must be registered for internship credits during BOTH Summer (8 credits) and Fall (2 credits) quarters.
It may be that your organization requires more hours then you need for your internship. In that case, it’s between you and your site supervisor to arrange those additional hours.
- Example: Your internship site requires a 10-week (400 hour) commitment, but you only need 10 credits, which is a 300 hours. The additional 100 hours is not required for the completion of the 10 credits, but may still be valuable work experience, that you may choose to complete outside of your degree requirements. If you are unsure of your experiential learning requirement, please speak with a CENV Academic Advisor.
Work done during intercession (between quarters) can be registered during either the quarter before or the quarter after the work performance.
- Example: Summer Quarter ends on 22 Aug. Fall Quarter Begins 26 Sep. You put in 60-hrs of internship work between these two dates. Those 2-credits could be registered as either Summer OR Fall internships at your discretion.
Academic credits earned during summer session are charged tuition. You should coordinate with student financial aid in advance if you need assistance.
Useful Guides
Before you begin
- Meet with your advisor to discuss possible ideas.
- For internships
- You may set one up on your own (with an agency you contact)
- Setup a "Handshake" account with the WWU Career Services Office
- Watch emails from Advisors on opportunities
- There is generally no central point for ALL jobs. Each level of government will advertise their own. (Federal - USAJOBS; State - Careers.WA.Gov, Counties each have their own, as do cities, and Tribal/First Nations Governments)
- Look for local organizations like Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group, RE Sources, Sustainable Connections, Whatcom Land Trust, Skagit Land Trust, and many others...don't assume all positions are advertised)
- Consider joining professional with your professors on which ones they recommend for your career path. Many opportunities are held internally with these groups.
Having decided upon an Internship, Project, or Study:
- Complete and sign the appropriate CENV Learning Agreement/Contract
- Internship Contract (Fillable Adobe PDF)
- Senior Thesis Contract (ESIGN FORM)
- Senior Project Contract (ESIGN FORM)
- For International Study, work with your faculty advisor
- Arrange for your Advisor (International Study) or CENV Internship Advisor (Internship/Project/Thesis) (Ed Weber/ES 545) to get an override code so you can register
- You will need to have a signed Learning Agreement/Internship Contract or Senior Project/Senior Thesis ESIGN Form to register for credits
- After the override has been entered, you will still need to register as usual
- These are Variable Credit Courses. Don't forget to update the correct number of credits you are attempting in WEB4U. Register for Classes | Registrar's Office | Western Washington University (
- Check out the registration hints