Tammi Laninga
Dr. Laninga, AICP, former Director of the Bioregional Planning and Community Design program at the University of Idaho, has over a decade of experience facilitating student/community partnerships. Completed projects include: comprehensive plan updates; land use ordinance revisions; housing site and waterfront development conceptual designs; and rails to trails and regional trail plans. In 2010 she, along with the BIOP Program, was awarded the Western Regional Outreach Scholarship Foundation Engagement Award from the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities.
From 2011-2016, Dr. Laninga was a principle investigator (PI) for the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) examining the social acceptance of a wood-based biofuels industry in the Pacific Northwest and conducting regional asset mapping, supply chain analyses, and biofuels facility siting studies.
Dr. Laninga is a core member of the nationally accredited Urban Planning and Sustainable Development program at WWU teaching courses in land use regulations and technical writing, community development and participatory methods, history of planning, environmental impact assessment, and the planning studio.
Dr. Laninga enjoys mentoring students. She has supervised over twenty masters students and one Ph.D. student; served as a committee member for many others; and advises undergraduate student internships, independent study projects, and Sustainability, Equity and Justice Fund (SEJF) grants. She is also the program advisor for the River Leadership and Studies Certificate.
Research Interests
Land use planning for climate resilience, community development, public engagement, and collaborative public lands and river management
Laninga, T; Galambos, Kate; White, Eric M. 2022. Implementing principles of sustainable recreation: a case study of the Entiat Ranger District. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-1007. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 27 p. https://doi.org/10.2737/PNW-GTR-1007.
Rijkhoff, S.*, K. Roemer,* T. Laninga, N. Martinkus,* and S. Hoard. 2021. “An Integrative Model for Success: A Capitals Approach to Biorefinery Siting.” In Jacquet, J., J. Haggerty & G. Theodori (Eds.), Energy Impacts: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of North American Energy Development. Logan, UT: Social Ecological Press & Utah State University Press. https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv19t41pj
Graminski, A,* and T. Laninga. 2020. “Wild & Scenic Rivers and Private Property Owner Engagement in Washington State.” River Management Society Journal. p.16-19 https://rms.memberclicks.net/assets/Journals-Newsletters/2020Spring_revised.pdf
Vonesh, J., A. Rost, D. Perry, J. McLaughlin, S. Stork, M. Brown, T. Laninga, A. Rugenski, and J. Viers. 2019. “RMS & Universities collaborate to create a river field studies education network.” River Management Society Journal.
Gaminski, A.,* N. Schmeck,* B. Kirk, and T. Laninga. 2019. “Road Map to Washington’s Future - Next Generation Project Findings.” In coordination with the William D. Ruckelshaus Center. https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2180/2019/06/Volume-2.-Road-Map-to-Washingtons-Future.-6.30.19.pdf
Beberdick, R.,* N. Cottnair,* P. Cung, *J. Diedrick,* A. Ericson,* N. Giroux,* B. Joplin,* B. Kirk,* A.R. Miller,* C. Pieroni,* A. Randall,* A. Smith,* D. Van Cise,* C. Vogl,* C. Williams,* and Laninga, T. 2018. “Local Areas of More Intensive Rural Development (LAMIRDs): A Report Analyzing Whatcom, Skagit, Island, and San Juan County LAMIRDs.” In coordination with the William D. Ruckelshaus Center. https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2180/2019/06/Volume-3.-Road-Map-to-Washingtons-Future-Final-Report_6.30.19.pdf
Saul, D., S. Newman, S. Peterson, E. Kosse, E., R, Jacobson, R. Keefe, S. Devadoss, T. Laninga, and J. Moroney. 2018. “Evaluation of Three Forest-Based Bioenergy Development Strategies in the Inland Northwest, United States.” Journal of Forestry, 116(6): 497-504. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jofore/fvy042
Newman, S., D., Saul, R. Keefe, R. Jacobson, T. Laninga, and J. Moroney. 2017. “ ‘The Devil Is in the Details’: Inland Northwest Stakeholders' Views on Three Forest-Based Bioenergy Scenarios.” Forest Science.
Moroney, J.*, T. Laninga, and R. Brooks. 2016. “Slash and Learn: Revealing Stakeholder Knowledge, Support, and Preferred Communication Methods Relative to Wood-Based Biofuels Projects.” Journal of Extension, 54(5):5RIB10.
Jacobson, R.A.*, R.F. Keefe, A.M.S. Smith, T. Laninga, D. Inman, S. Metlen, D.A. Saul, and S.M. Newman. 2016. “Multi-Spatial Analysis of Forest Residue Utilization for Bioenergy.” Biofuels, Bioproducts, and Biorefining, 10(5): 560-575.
Schuette, C.* and T. Laninga. 2016. “The Spatial Distribution and Quantification of Food Insecurity in the North Central Health District of Idaho.” Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 11(3): 396-413.
Eitel, K., J. Schon, J. Hougham, D. Hendrickson, T. Laninga, G. Fizzell. 2015. “Teacher Professional Development for Energy Literacy: A Comparison of Two Approaches.” Journal of Sustainability Education.
Hougham, R. J., S. Hollenhorst, J. Schon, K. Eitel, D. Hendrickson, C. Gotch, T. Laninga, L. James, B. Hough, D. Schwartz, S. Preslley, K. Olsen, L. Hasselbach, Q. Langfitt, J. Moslemi. 2015. “From the Forest to the Classroom: Energy Literacy as a Co-product of Biofuels Research.” Journal of Sustainability Education.
Laninga, T., S. Millman*, M. Payne*. 2014. “From Wood to Wing: Opportunities to Build an Advanced Biofuels Industry the Pacific Northwest Utilizing its Timber-based Assets.” Western Planner, 35(5): 12-19.
Gillan, J. K.*, E. K. Strand, J. W. Karl, K.P. Reese and T. Laninga. 2012. “Using Spatial Statistics and Point Pattern Simulations to Assess the Spatial Dependency between Greater Sage-Grouse and Man-Made Features.” Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37(2):301-310.
Laninga, T., G. Austin and W. McClure. 2012. “Community-University Partnerships in Small-Town Idaho: Addressing Diverse Community Needs through Interdisciplinary Outreach and Engagement.” Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 4(2):5-17.
Haines, A. M., M. Leu, L. K. Svancara, J. M. Scott, K.Vierling, S. Martinuzzi and T. Laninga. 2012. “Incorporating Wildlife Conservation into County Comprehensive Plans: A GIS Approach.” Northwest Science, 86(1):53-70.
Lowry, M.B., T. Laninga, M. Zimmerman* and K. Kingsbury*. 2011. “Using Traffic Simulation Software to Manage Recreational River Boats on Public Lands.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2244(1):107-15.