LEAD Staff

Considering an Internship?

Please email us at lead@wwu.edu for additional information regarding internships.

LEAD interns learn to:

  • Recruit and manage volunteers
  • Support and run work parties
  • Identify local native and invasive species
  • Promote a non-profit organization through campus news outlets, social media, and community outreach
  • Connect with other organizations for collaboration and research

Current Staff

Current Co Directors

Gabrielle Lund

Gabrielle Lund


Gabrielle is a second-year graduate student pursuing an M.A. in Environmental Studies. Previously, she received dual degrees in Environmental Sciences and Political Science at WSU Pullman. Outside of LEAD, she is passionate about human-environment issues as she researches agency management of the Lower Snake River Dams.

Beau Jay

Beau Jay


Beau is a first-year graduate student in the College of the Environment pursuing an M.A. in Environmental Studies and a certificate in GIS. He also received his B.S. in Sociology, here at Western Washington University. Beau is thrilled to educate students and work on community restoration projects around campus as the Co-Director of the L.E.A.D. program.

LEAD Interns

Amelia Lee

Amelia Lee
Environmental Education Intern


Amelia is an Environmental Science major focused on developing informational resources about LEAD’s projects and history. She is working on bringing additional educational focus into LEAD events and work parties.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter
Environmental Education Intern


Ally is an Environmental Science major focused on developing an environmental education curriculum for LEAD. They enjoy teaching others about nature and what we can do to help our environment.

Fallon Jenkins

Fallon Jenkins
Native Plant Specialist Intern


Fallon is an Environmental Studies major who specializes in native plant identification and restoration to help LEAD restore natural areas on campus.

Koen Tynes

Koens Tyles
Native Plant Specialist Intern


Koen Tynes is an Environmental Science student curious about the wonders of the natural world, from the deep sea to mountain peaks. Koen’s love and curiosity of nature excites him in exploring different restoration and conservation tactics in order to sustain this beautiful world we live in.

Ant Vandenbroucke

Ant Vandenbroucke
Social Media Specialist


Ant is a double major of environmental studies and English and runs LEAD's social media as well as assists with native plant research and communication.

Previous Staff/Interns

Eva Araujo

Eva stands in the woods in the winter time wearing a green cap, jacket and a backpack.
Environmental Education Intern


Eva is an Environmental Science major, focused on developing an environmental education curriculum for LEAD to use during events and seminars. 

Sofia Quizon

Sophia stands outside in front of blooming cherry trees.
Social Media and Communications Intern


Sofia is a Communications major, who focuses on growing student participation in LEAD projects. She has developed a style guide and posting schedule for LEAD’s social media, as well as gathered photo and video content for LEAD’s social media. 

Máté Pásztor

Mate wears work gloves and a large smile as they use a pair of long handled clippers to trim branches from an overgrown tree.
Web Development and Outreach Intern


Máté is an Environmental Studies major, who is focused on developing the LEAD website and outreach with partner organizations. They helped coordinate and developed copy for this website.

Tegan Keyes

Tegan bundled up outside overlooking a viewpoint of the bay.
Native Plant Intern


Tegan is an Environmental Studies major, who is focused on researching the Miyawaki Method and determining planting methods. She has compiled a list of plants typical to our local forests, researched soil amendment methods, and helped make decisions regarding reforestation methods. 

LEAD Opportunities

LEAD is not currently hiring, but will be hiring for one graduate Co-Director in Spring 2025, and several undergraduate interns for the 2024-25 academic year in September 2025. Openings will be posted here.