Environmental Speaker Series 2015-16

2015-16 Schedule

Fall Quarter 2015

  Date/Time Speaker Talk Title Archive

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10/1/15, 4pm

Ralph Riley

"Tropical Rainforest Ecology Research in Fiji"


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10/8/15, 4pm

Keturah Witter

"Triple Bottom Line: Sustainability and Consulting"


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10/15/15, 4pm

Michael Medler

"The Pyrogeography of Wildfires in the Western U.S."


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10/22/15, 4pm

Dave Bennink

"Sustainable Employment, Sustainable Life"


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10/29/15, 4pm

Robert Dillman

"Economic Empowerment within the WWU Student Population"


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11/5/15, 4pm

Mary Christina Wood

"Nature’s Trust: Environmental Law for an Ecological Age"


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11/12/15, 4pm

Becky Petersen

"Conservation and Preservation: Saving Lands for Future Generations"


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11/19/15, 4pm

Martin Stapanian

"PCBs and Mercury Concentrations in Freshwater Fish"


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12/3/15, 4pm

Mitch Friedman

"Recovering Washington's Carnivores"



Winter Quarter 2016

  Date/Time Speaker Talk Topic/Title Archive

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1/14/16, 4pm

Timothy Ballew, II, Lummi Tribe

"Pulling Together in the Salish Sea"


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1/21/16, 4pm

Chris James, Regulatory Assistance Project

"How Can China Prevent Further Rises in Greenhouse Gas Emissions When it is Building New Coal Plants?"


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1/28/16, 4pm

Rose Lathrop, Derek Koellmann, Keri Shepherd, Nick Saling

Environmental Career Panel


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2/4/16, 4pm

Brian Janous, Microsoft

"Powering the Cloud"


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2/11/16, 4pm

Mitch Friedman, Conservation NW

"Recovering Washington's Carnivores"


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2/18/16, 4pm

Joe Scott, Conservation NW

"Conservation Across Borders"


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2/25/16, 4pm

Jeff Hammarlund, Portland State U.

"How and Why Energy Policy is Different (Even a Little Weird) in the Pacific Northwest"


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3/3/16, 4pm

Jen Watkins, Conservation NW

"Maintaining and Restoring Habitat Connectivity in the I-90 Corridor"


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3/10/16, 4pm Sam Cushman, USFS

"Landscape Genetics, Connectivity Modeling, and Carnivore Conservation"



Spring Quarter 2016

  Date/Time Speaker Talk Topic/Title Archive

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4/7/16, 4pm

David Wallin, Huxley College

"Conservation and Restoration of Mountain Goat Populations in the Washington Cascades"


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4/14/16, 4pm

Kevin Schneider, PNW Nat'l Lab

"History and Current Status of the Electricity Infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest"


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4/21/16, 4pm

Rebekah Paci-Green

"In the Shadow of the Himalaya"


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4/28/16, 4pm

Larry Campbell

"Why Developing Indigenous-specific Indicators of Health Matters"


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5/5/16, 4pm

Roberta Riley

"Climate Adventures Show & Tell"


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5/12/16, 4pm

Robyn Angliss

“Using Unmanned Aerial Systems to Study Marine Mammal Populations”


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5/19/16, 4pm

Steve Hollenhorst "The Race for Renewable Aviation Fuels and Environmentally Preferred Co-Products"


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5/26/16, 4pm

Carl Schmitt

"Measurements and Impacts of Light-absorbing Particles on Tropical Glaciers"


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6/2/16, 4pm Leah Bendell "Common Sense Approaches to Economic/Environmental Conflicts"
