Sarah Hirnyck

Portrait of Sarah Hirnyck standing in front of a misty canyon with craggy rock peaks. Sarah is wearing a purple rain jacket and givng the camera two thumbs up.

I chose Western because Bellingham is a beautiful place and I heard amazing things about the school.


About me

In my spare time I love hiking, camping, exploring, going to the beach, sitting in the sun, reading, laughing with friends, and singing. My favorite trail to hike in Bellingham is Lost Lake Trail in the Chuckanuts.

Career plans

I would like to stay in Bellingham and do Environmental Education with a local organization.

Why I chose Western

I chose Western because Bellingham is a beautiful place and I heard amazing things about the school.

My favorite professor

Gene Myers

My favorite Huxley class/internship/project

Environmental Education Spring Block!


Boise, ID