Spatial Data Links
This page is by no means a comprehensive or current listing. These are simply some of the pages that have been useful in the past. Individuals are encouraged to make use of Google and/or GIS warehouses that list (presumably more current) online spatial data resources (see Web Portals below).
Note that many of the main spatial data layers from these sources have already been downloaded and are stored on the Huxley Spatial Data Servers (J:\GEO\GEO_data) - so you might check there first...
ArcGIS Resources
ESRI's ArcGIS Online Resource Center
ArcGIS Online Data Sharing/Search
ArcGIS Online Content (basemap data): Basemaps and data that you can open in ArcMap, either as an .mxd or as a layer to add to your .mxd.
City of Bellingham
GIS (Planning Department, Public Works)
COB GIS Data (shapefiles in Self-extracting zip files)
Misc COB Maps (Zoning, Neighborhoods, Shoreline, Lake Whatcom, etc.)
Misc Urban Growth Links compiled for the EGEO-314 class
Whatcom County Web Resources
Public Works: Water Resources
Other Counties
Washington State GIS Agencies/Providers
Washington State Geospatial Data Archive (WAGDA)
Washington Geographic Information Council (WAGIC)
UW Raster Data (DEMs, DRGs, DOQs, etc)
Department of Natural Resources GIS
Department of Transportation GIS: roads, railroads, ferrys, shoreline, cities, etc
Office of Financial Management GIS
Department of Ecology
DOE Shoreline Photos (oblique)
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Other States and Areas
Oregon State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Idaho Dept. of Water Resources GIS/RS
Alaska State Geo-Spatial Data Clearinghouse
Regional Ecosystem Office (NW Forestry)
Interior Columbia Basin Management Project (ICBEMP) GIS Data
State Data Centers and Clearinghouses
US Forest Service
Gifford Pinchot National Forest
Miscellaneous USA Data Sites on the Web
US Army Corps of Engineers Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
U.S. Department of the Interior
US Forest Service
Gifford Pinchot National Forest
Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
Environmental Protection Agency
MRLC (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics)
NASA (National Aeronautics & Space Administration)
EOS (Earth Observing System)
NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration)
Coastal Data & Synthesis System
GLOBE (Global Land One-km Base Elevation) Project
National Geophysical Data Center
National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) 3 Arc-Second Coastal Relief Model (land-water)
Free RNC (Raster Nautical Charts) - (these are scanned NOAA charts, stored as .KAP files that work with ArcGIS)
Census Data
Census (see also Spatial Web Links)
National Historical GIS (Historical Census Data)
USGS Data (see USGS Help)
Libre Map Project - DRG's and Maps by State
DRG's (County Mosaics of USGS Topo Quads)
Ortho Air Photo Imagery (USGS DOQ's and NAIP 2006)
DEM / Elevation Data available on the Web
The best source for Washington DEMs is the U-W site
DEM's are also available from:
Washington State Geospatial Data
USGS 1:250,000 and 7.5 Minute Series
Global DEMs
NOAA GLOBE (30" - 0.5 minute - approx. 1 Km)
GTOPO30 (Global 30" Seconds - 0.5 minute - approx. 1 km)
SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - 30" seconds - 0.5 minute - approx 1 km) (same resolution as GTOPO30 but considered to be more accurate - info)
SRTM (Version 4 - latest version)
SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - 1 arc second for USA, 3 arc seconds elsewhere) (approx 30 m. and 90 m. respectively)
SRTM30 Plus (SRTM Land data + Ocean Bathymetry)
CleanTopo2 (a cartographically 'cleaned' up version of the SRTM30 dataset)
ETOPO2v2 (2 Minute Gridded Global Relief Data - June 2006) - DEM + Bathymetry (Oceans + Lakes)
Bathymetry Data
Puget Sound Elevation/Bathymetry (30 m)
National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) 3 Arc-Second Coastal Relief Model (land-water)
Earthquake Data
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
USGS National Earthquake Information Center
UW ESS (Earth & Space Sciences)
PNSN-Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network (Earthquake data)
Geology Data
Soils Data
USDA NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service)
SSURGO (Soil Survey Geographic Database)
Canadian Web Resources
GeoGratis (Natural Resources Canada)
GeoBase (DEMs, Roads, Boundaries, etc.)
GeoBC: BC's Geographic Gateway
BC Environment GIS data ftp site
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection
Canadian Maps & Data
Historical / Archival Data
T-Sheets (Topographical Survey Charts from the 1800's of the Puget Sound area)
Puget Sound River History Project (1850-90 GLO land survey maps, 1930-40 Air Photos, T-Sheets)
Remote Sensing Data
(see also Dr. Wallin's List of RS Links)
GeoEye (Space Imaging / OrbImage)
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC)
Satellite Imaging Corporation
Miscellaneous Global Data Web Resources
Natural Earth (global shapefiles and raster data for physical and cultural features)
United Nations
Division of Early Warning and Assessment
United Nations Environment Programme
Misc. Web Sources of Data (Clearinghouses, Geo-Portals, Data Distributors, etc.)
Geospatial One-Stop (Federal Gov't, part of -
Washington Geographic Information Council (WAGIC)
InfoRain (NW North America GIS datasets)
UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program)
CEISIN (Center for International Earth Science Information Network - Columbia University)
Terraserver (MSN) - Air Photos & Topo maps
Links to more GIS Data Sources
UC Berkley: Global GIS Resources
UC Berkley: USA State and Local GIS Resources