Steve Hollenhorst
Steve is WWU's Chief Strategy Officer for the WWU Peninsulas Campus. He was the dean at Huxley College of the Environment from 2012 to 2021, and Associate Vice President for Facilities from 2023-2024. Prior to that, he was a faculty member at the University of Idaho, where he served as associate dean of the College of Natural Resources, Chair of the Department of Natural Resources and Society, founding director of the university’s award-winning Building Sustainable Communities Initiative, and founding director of the McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS). He was also director of the U of I's Park Studies Unit, a branch of the National Park Service Social Science Program. Formerly he was co-editor of the international academic journal Society and Natural Resources. Prior to the University of Idaho, he was a professor and program coordinator in the Division of Forestry at Western Virginia University. He is the founder and first executive director of the West Virginia Land Trust.
Research Interests
His scholarship and outreach work is in the areas of land use policy and management; land trusts and conservation easements; climate action; natural climate solutions; and environmental leadership.
Hahn, J., K. Van Alstyne, J. Gaydos, L. Wallis, J. West, S. Hollenhorst, G. Ylitalo, R. Poppenga, J. Bolton, D. McBride, R. Sofield, 2022. Chemical contaminant levels in edible seaweeds of the Salish Sea and implications for their consumption. PLOS One, September 23, 2022,
Hollenhorst, S., and Sharfstein, H. 2021. Creating a Carbon Conservation Trust Movement - Medium, May 3 2021
Hollenhorst, S. and Landis, W. 2021. Reconsider Cancel-Culture Target at WWU - Seattle Times, May 7 2021
Hollenhorst, S., K. Eitel, D. Hendrickson, J. Hougham, T. Laninga, L. Haselbach, D. Schwartz, L. James, & S. Pressley, 2017. NARA Education - Final Report. NARA Final Reports. Pullman, WA. Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance.
Hollenhorst, S., Houge-Mackenzie, S., and Ostergren, D. 2014. The Trouble with Tourism, Journal of Tourism Recreation Research, Volume 39, Issue 3, December 1, 2014
Wang, L. and Hollenhorst, S. 2014. 创建统一的中华国家公园体系——美国历史经验的启示 (Building a unified Chinese national park system: Historical lessons learned from the United States. Geographical Research), 33(12): 2407-2417. 2014.
UEPP 170 Sustainable Futures Talk: The Substitution Principle in Sustainability: Implication for Planners
2017 WWU Energy Symposium Presentation, the Race for Renewable Aviation Fuels:
- PowerPoint presentation
- Video: Slashing Carbon Emissions with Biojet Fuel (13 minutes) (
- Video: Forest Residuals: Availability and Collection (9 minutes)
- Video: How to Turn Wood into Biojet Fuel (3 minutes)
- Video: Co-Products from the Biojet Supply Chain (6 minutes)
- Video: Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Biojet Fuel (8 minutes)