Paul Stangl
Paul Stangl is an Associate Professor of urban planning and sustainable development at College of the Environment, Western Washington University. He currently teaches a range of urban planning classes, including Introduction to Planning, Transportation Planning, Planning History and Planning Studio I: Urban Design Methods. His research has centered on urban form, city planning and history in Berlin and San Francisco, US pedestrian planning and measures of street connectivity.
Recent Publications
Stangl, Paul. (forthcoming). San Francisco Slaughterhouses and American Proto-zoning. Journal of Planning History.
Stangl, Paul. 2019. Overcoming flaws in connectivity measures: Modified route directness. Journal of Urbanism 12(1): 1-14.
Stangl, Paul. 2018. Risen from Ruins: The Cultural Politics of Rebuilding East Berlin. (Redwood City: Stanford University Press)
Review - German Studies Review
Stangl, Paul. 2018. Prospects for urban morphology in resilience assessment. In Yamagata, Yoshiki and Sharifi, Ayyoob, eds., Resilience-Oriented Urban Planning. Lecture Notes in Energy, vol. 65. Cham: Springer.
Stangl, Paul. 2018. Automobiles and gender in San Francisco cinema. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 5(3): 315-329.
Buckley, Patrick, Stangl, Paul and Guinn, Jeffrey. 2017. Why people walk: Modeling foundational and higher order needs based on latent structure. Journal of Urbanism 10(2):129-149.
Stangl, Paul. 2016. Geographic and discursive wanderings of San Francisco's "evil" octopuses. Journal of Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 18(3): 343-371.
Stangl, Paul. 2015. Block size-based measures of street connectivity: A critical assessment and new approach. Urban Design International 20(1): 44-55.