Marco Hatch

Associate Professor


Please visit the Coastal Communities and Ecology Lab website here 




PhD Biological Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; BS Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

Research Interests

Hatch Lab in the Media

  1. Why Coastal Tribes Are Growing Clam Gardens That Look Like Asian Rice Fields 2017
  2. Huxley’s Marco Hatch Conducting Summer Field Work in the San Juans. 2017. (featured on page of
  3. Coastal Tribes Garden Clams to Preserve Culture, Improve Health. 2017
  4. Seattle Aquarium bestows marine conservation honors on Western's Marco Hatch. 2017.
  5. Western’s Marco Hatch Awarded $300,000 NSF Grant to Start New Coastal Almanac Citizen-Science Initiative. 2017.
  6. Clam Hunger, how clam gardens support Native communities. 2016.
  7. Researcher around the world are learning from Indigenous communities here’s why that’s a good thing. 2016.
  8. New high-tech buoy key to monitoring health of Bellingham Bay. Bellingham Herald. February 20, 2016 (front page Sunday edition)
  9. Buoy deployed in Bellingham Bay to chart health of Puget Sound.King5 News. February 11, 2016.
  10. Clams: Growing in Community Together. 2014.
  11. Soil and Oil, Trees and Seas: Building Nations through Natural Resources, Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education. May 1 2014
  12. University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs : eelgrass and harmful algal bloom research
  13. Misunderstood Microbes. Northwest Fishery Science Center. April 2014
  14. Press release for hydroacoustic survey on reservation
  15. NWIC’s Salish Sea Research Center. Bellingham Business Journal. June 6, 2013. 


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Legend: Students under my supervision

Augustine, S., M.B.A. Hatch, S. Wyllie-Echeverria. (in review) Place-based research courses enhance the engagement of Native American students in STEM. Science Education. 

Hatch, M.B.A., R.M. Hunter, J.W. Emm, (in review). Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Olympia oyster, (Ostrea lurida) Larvae and Settlers within Fidalgo Bay, Washington

Kodner, R.B, Clement, T.L., Asamoto,  C.K, Nazario, S.A., Lekanoff, R.M., Nodestine. S., McLaughlin, R.J., Hervol, E., Apple, J, Hatch, M.B.A. (in review) Phylogenetic-based patterns of microbial eukaryote community structure and diversity over time in a dynamic bay. Molecular Ecology

Hatch, M.B.A., S. Wyllie-Echeverria. 2016. Historic distribution of Ostrea lurida (Olympia oyster) in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington State. Tribal College Research Journal 1(1)

Hatch, M.B.A., S.A. Schellenberg, M. Carter. 2013. Ba/Ca variations in the modern intertidal bean clam Donax gouldii: An upwelling proxy? 373: 98-107 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

Winter, R.N., M.B.A. Hatch, 2010. Investigating the parasitism of Southern California bean clams (Donax gouldii) by the trematode Postmonorchis donacis. Bulletin: Southern California Academy of Sciences. 109(3) 144-152

Braje, T.J., J.M. Erlandson, T.C. Rick, P.K. Dayton, M.B.A. Hatch. 2009. Fishing from Past to Present: Continuity and Resilience of Red Abalone Fisheries on the Channel Islands, California. Ecological Applications. 19(4)906-919.

Selected Presentations

  1. Augustine, S., M.B.A. Hatch, N. Smith, C. McIntosh, N. Cardinal. 2016 Clam Gardens: Stories about eco-cultural revival in the Salish Sea. Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. Vancouver B.C.
  2. Hatch, M.B.A. 2016. Navigating ecology, culture, and education in the Salish Sea Research Center. Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. Vancouver B.C.
  3. Hatch, M.B.A. 2016. The future of clam garden research and revitalization. Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. Vancouver B.C.
  4. Hatch, M.B.A. 2015. Navigating ecology, culture, and education in the Salish Sea Research Center. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation. Portland OR.
  5. Hatch, M.B.A. 2015. Navigating ecology, culture, and education in the Salish Sea Research Center. Tribal College Research Symposium, Washington D.C
  6. Hatch, M.B.A, S Augustine 2014. Supporting Resilience in the Salish Sea, First Americans Land-grant Consortium. Minneapolis, MN
  7. Hatch, M.B.A. 2014. Culturally relevant research at the Salish Sea Research Center, Tribal College Research Symposium, Washington D.C
  8. Hatch, M.B.A. 2014. Workforce Potential: Good, Relevant, Locally Driven Research, Tribal College Leaders Symposium, San Antonio, TX.
  9. Hatch, M.B.A. 2014. American Indian Student-Driven Research at the Salish Sea Research Center. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu HI.
  10. Hatch, M.B.A. 2013. American Indian student-driven research at the Salish Sea Research Center. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, San Diego, CA.
  11. Hatch, M.B.A. 2013. Real-time Detection of Harmful Algae at a Tribal Marine Aquaculture Site. US HAB Symposium, Tampa Bay, FL.
  12. Hatch, M.B.A. 2012. Research at a Tribal College. Western Society of Naturalists, Seaside, CA.
  13. Hatch, M.B.A. 2012 Using historical ecological data knowledge for a sustainable ocean. Seattle, WA
  14. Hatch, M.B.A., SA Schellenberg. 2010. Donax do and don't tell: The relationship of isotopic and elemental variations to environmental conditions in the shell chemistry of a common intertidal bivalve. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA,
  15. Hatch, M.B.A., SA Schellenberg, JA McGowan, M Carter. 2010. Ba/Ca variations in the modern intertidal bean clam Donax gouldii: An upwelling proxy? International Sclerochronology Conference, Mainz Germany.
  16. Hatch, M.B.A., SA Schellenberg. 2010. Sclerochronological assessment of the common bean clam Donax gouldii in San Diego, CA. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland OR.
  17. Hatch, M.B.A. 2008. The history of fishing in the Channel Islands: interactions between human societies and ecological systems. Seventh California Islands Symposium, Oxnard CA.
  18. Hatch, M.B.A., 2007. Interactions between human societies and ecological systems: it goes both ways. California World History Association, Fullerton, CA.
  19. Hatch, M.B.A., R. Barsh, H. Hatch, S. Wyllie-Echeverria. 2005. The Salish Sea: Historic Conditions. Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference Seattle, WA.
  20. Hatch, M.B.A., K. Naish. 2005. Identification of archeological sockeye salmon remains as a proxy for detecting the initiation of reef-net fishing. Western Society of Naturalists 86th Annual Meeting, CA.

Mentored Student Presentations

Legend: Students under my supervision *this only a small subset of mentored presentations

  1. Tadlock S., S. Augustine, M.B.A. Hatch. Poster Presentation. Quantifying Food Species Produced by Ancient Clam Garden Technologies of the Salish Sea. Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, BC 2016.
  2. Tadlock S., S. Augustine, M.B.A. Hatch. Research Poster Presentation. Quantifying Food Species Produced by Ancient Clam Garden Technologies of the Salish Sea. Emerging Researcher Network Conference. Washington DC. February 2016. Best poster award
  3. Tadlock S., S. Augustine, M.B.A. Hatch. Research Poster Presentation. Quantifying Food Species Produced by Ancient Clam Garden Technologies of the Salish Sea. American Indian Science and Engineering Society National Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. November 2015. Best poster award
  4. Emm, J.W., M.B.A. Hatch, R.M. Hunter. Early Life History of Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) within Fidalgo Bay, Washington. American Indian Science and Engineering Symposium. Phoenix, AZ (11/2015)
  5. Emm, J.W., M.B.A. Hatch, R.M. Hunter. Olympia oyster research presentation “Early Life History of Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) within Fidalgo Bay, Washington”. MJ Murdock Charitable Trust Science Conference. Vancouver, WA (11/2015) Best poster award
  6. Emm, J.W., M.B.A. Hatch, R.M. Hunter. Olympia oyster research presentation“Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Olympia oyster, (Ostrea lurida) Larvae and Settlers within Fidalgo Bay, Washington”. SACNAS National Conference. Washington, DC (10/2015) 
  7. Tadlock S., S. Augustine, M.B.A. Hatch. Research Poster Presentation. Quantifying Food Species Produced by Ancient Clam Garden Technologies of the Salish Sea. SACNAS National Conference Washington DC. October 2015. Best poster award
  8. Emm, J.W., M.B.A. Hatch, S. Wyllie-Echeverria. Eelgrass research presentation “Quantitative Analysis of Grid, Transect, Aerial Photography, and Hydroacoustic  Monitoring of eelgrass (Zostera marina) within Portage Bay, Washington”. Vine Deloria  Jr. Symposium. Bellingham, WA (7/2015)
  9. Emm, J.W., M.B.A. Hatch, S. Wyllie-Echeverria. Eelgrass research presentation “Quantitative Analysis of Grid, Transect, Aerial Photography, and Hydroacoustic Monitoring of eelgrass (Zostera marina) within Portage Bay, Washington”. Northwest  Indian College Capstone Presentation. Bellingham, WA (3/2015)
  10. Emm, J.W., M.B.A. Hatch, S. Wyllie-Echeverria. Eelgrass research presentation “Quantitative Analysis of Grid, Transect, Aerial Photography, and Hydroacoustic Monitoring of eelgrass (Zostera marina) within Portage Bay, Washington”. Pacific Estuarine Research Society (3/2015)
  11. Tadlock S., M.B.A. Hatch, S. Augustine, R.M. Hunter, Emm J.W. Navigating ecology, Culture and Resilience in the Salish Sea Panel. Pacific Estuarine Research Society Meeting. March 2015  
  12. Emm, J.W., M.B.A. Hatch, S. Wyllie-Echeverria. Eelgrass research presentation “Quantitative Analysis of Grid, Transect, Aerial Photography, and Hydroacoustic Monitoring of eelgrass (Zostera marina) within Portage Bay, Washington”. Bellingham State of the Bay Symposium (2/2015)  
  13. Tadlock S., S. Augustine, M.B.A. Hatch. Research Oral Presentation. Quantifying Food Species Produced by Ancient Clam Garden Technologies of the Salish Sea. National Science Foundation 1994/TCUP Meeting. August 2015
  14. Emm, J.W., M.B.A. Hatch, S. Wyllie-Echeverria Eelgrass research presentation “Quantitative Analysis of Grid, Transect, Aerial Photography, and Hydroacoustic Monitoring of eelgrass (Zostera marina) within Portage Bay, Washington”. National Science Foundation Tribal College and 1994 Land Grant Research Symposium, Washington D.C. (8/2014)

Teaching Schedule

ESCI 404: TR 10:00-11:20, T 12:00-3:50