Gregory Green

Senior Instructor


Gregory A. Green is a career wildlife ecologist with experience spanning the western U.S. and Alaska with particular emphasis on threatened and endangered species, forest and shrub-steppe ecology, temperate and arctic marine mammal and seabird ecology, climate change, natural resource management and mitigation plans, and conservation assessments. Greg has published over 30 papers in research journals and five book chapters on subjects ranging from burrowing owls to marine mammals. He has also served as an associate editor for three different journals (Northwestern Naturalist, Journal of Wildlife Management, Herpetological Conservation and Biology) where he managed over 200 manuscripts submitted for publication. Greg is currently working on a book on the wildlife of the world with nature photographer Art Wolfe.

Greg is past-President for both the Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society (WA TWS) and the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (SNVB), is a board member for the Cascade Carnivore Project and Western Wildlife Outreach, and serves as a member on the Whatcom County Wildlife Advisory Committee.

For his life-time achievements, he received the 2016 President's Award from SNVB and the 2020 Leadership in Conservation Award from WA TWS.


Oregon State University, Eastern Oregon State College

Research Interests

  • Genetics and habitat use by eastern Oregon red foxes
  • Long-term acoustical monitoring of western Washington bats
  • Remote camera monitoring of PNW carnivores


Select Publications:

Green, G.A., B.N. Sacks, L.J. Erickson, and K.B. Aubry.  2017. Genetic characteristics of red foxes in Northeastern Oregon.  Northw. Nat. 98:73-81.

Green, G.A. 2017. Zoological response to climate change in the Pacific Arctic waters of Alaska. Elsevier, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. 9 pp.

Smultea, M.A., J. Brueggeman, F. Robertson, D. Fertl, C. Bacon, R.A. Rowlett, and G.A. Green. 2016. Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) behavior near icebreaker operations in the Chukchi Sea, 1991. Arctic 69:177-184.

Hayes, M.P., C.A. Wheeler, A.J. Lind, G.A. Green, and D.C. Macfarlane, tech. coords. 2016. Foothill yellow-legged frog conservation assessment in California. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-248. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 193 pp.

Perrine, J.D., L.A. Campbell, and G.A. Green. 2010. Sierra Nevada red fox: A conservation assessment. Gen. Tech. Rep. R5-FR-010. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Region 5. 42 pp.

Hashagen, K., G.A. Green, and B. Adams. 2009. Observations of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the Beaufort Sea, Alaska. Northw. Nat. 90:160-162.

Green, G.A. 2005. Burrowing Owl. pp. 216-217. In Washington Birds. T.R. Wahl (eds.). University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Green, G.A. H.L. Bombay, and M.L. Morrison. 2003. Conservation assessment of the willow flycatcher in the Sierra Nevada.  Online publication:

Holmes, A.L., G.A. Green, R. Morgan, and K. Livezey. 2003. Nesting success and burrow re-occupancy rates of the burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia) in the Columbia Basin, Oregon. West. North Am. Nat. 63:244-250.

Green, G.A. Burrowing Owl. 2003. pp. 316-319. In Birds of Oregon: A general reference. D.B. Marshall, M.G. Hunter, A.L. Contreras (eds.). Oregon State Univ. Press, Corvallis.

Green, G.A., K.B. Livezey, and R.L. Morgan. 2001. Habitat selection by northern sagebrush lizards in the Columbia Basin, Oregon. Northw. Nat. 82:111-115.

Anthony, R.G., G.A. Green, E.D. Forsman, and S.K. Nelson. 1996. Avian abundance in riparian zones of three forest types in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon. Wilson Bull. 108:280-291.

Calambokidis, J., G.H. Steiger, J.R. Evenson, K.R. Flynn, K.C. Balcomb, D.E. Claridge, P. Bloedel, J.M. Straley, C.S. Baker, O. von Ziegesar, M.S. Dahlheim, J.M. Waite, J.D. Darling, G. Ellis, and G.A. Green. 1996. Interchange and isolation of humpback whales off California and other North Pacific feeding grounds. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 12:215-226.

Green, G.A., J.J. Brueggeman, R.A. Grotefendt, and C.E. Bowlby. 1995. Offshore distances of gray whales migrating along the Oregon and Washington coasts, 1990. Northw. Sci. 69:223-227.

Rowlett, R.A., G.A. Green, C.E. Bowlby, and M.A. Smultea. 1994. The first photographic documentation of a northern right whale of Washington State. Northw. Nat. 75:102-104.

Bowlby, C.E., G.A. Green, and M.L. Bonnell. 1994. Pacific leatherback turtles offshore of Washington and Oregon. Northw. Nat. 75:33-35.

Green, G.A., and R.G. Anthony. 1993. Ecological considerations in the management of breeding burrowing owls in the Columbia Basin. In Proceed. Raptor Res. Found. Burrowing Owl Symp., Bellevue, WA.

Green, G.A., R.E. Fitzner, R.G. Anthony, and L.E. Rogers. 1993. Comparative diets of burrowing owls in Oregon and Washington. Northw. Sci. 67:88-93.

Green, G.A., and J.J. Brueggeman. 1991. Sea otter diets from a declining population in Alaska. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 7:395-401.

Green, G.A., and R.G. Anthony. 1989. Nest success and habitat selection by breeding burrowing owls in the Columbia Basin, Oregon. Condor 91:347-354.

Teaching Schedule

ESCI 330: W 3:00-3:50; Lab R 1:00-3:50