Brian Bingham
Research Interests
I study the ecology of marine invertebrates with an emphasis on cnidarian-algal symbiosis. Current work in my lab focuses on the common intertidal anemone Anthopleura elegantissima and the fitness consequences of hosting different symbionts.
Macrander, J.C., J.L. Dimond, B.L. Bingham and A.M. Reitzel (2017). Transcriptome sequencing and characterization of Symbiodinium muscatinei and Elliptochloris marina, symbionts found within the aggregating sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. Mar. Genom.
Braithwaite, L.F., B.L. Bingham, A. Rodríguez-Vargas and M. Borgen (2017). Feeding behavior of the gastropod Amphissa columbiana. Northwest Sci. 91: 356-366
Rivera Vázquez, Y., K.L. Van Alstyne and B.L. Bingham (2017). Exudates of the green alga Ulvaria obscura (Kützing) affect larval development of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus (Eschscholtz) and the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). Mar. Biol. 164: 194 - 204.
Macrander, J.C., J.L. Dimond, B.L. Bingham and A.M. Reitzel (2017). Transcriptome sequencing and characterization of Symbiodinium muscatinei and Elliptochloris marina, symbionts found within the aggregating sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. Mar. Genom.
Dimond, J.L., J. Oppenheimer, S. Orechovesky, J. Rodríguez Ramos and B.L. Bingham (2017). Photophysiology and hydrogen peroxide generation of the dinoflagellate and chlorophyte symbionts of the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 489: 43-47.
Quesada, A.J., K.L. Schoo and B.L. Bingham, B.L. (2016). Effect of symbiotic state on the fatty acid composition of Anthopleura elegantissima. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 545: 175-187.
Bingham, B.L., J.L. Dimond and G. Muller-Parker (2014). Symbiont presence and identity influence life history strategies of a temperate sea anemone. Proc. Roy. Soc. B: 281: 20140548. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2014.0548.
Dimond, J.L., R.R. Pineda, Z. Ramos-Ascher and B.L. Bingham (2013). Relationships between host and symbiont cell cycles in sea anemones and their symbiotic dinoflagellates. Biol. Bull. 225; 102-112.
Dimond, J.L., B.L. Bingham, G. Muller-Parker and C.A. Oakley (2013). Symbiont physiology and dynamics before and during symbiont shifts in a flexible algal-cnidarian symbiosis. J. Phycol. 49: 1074-1083
Dimond, J.L., B.J. Holzman and B.L. Bingham (2012). Thicker host tissues moderate light stress in a cnidarian endosymbiont. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 2247-2254.
Hiebert, T.C and B.L. Bingham (2012). The effects of symbiotic state on heterotrophic feeding in the temperate sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. Mar. Biol. 159: 939-950.
Dimond, J.L., B.L. Bingham, G. Muller-Parker, K. Wuesthoff and L. Francis (2011). Seasonal stability of a flexible algal-cnidarian symbiosis in a highly variable temperate environment. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56: 2233-2242.
Bingham, B.L., I. Freytes, M. Emery, J. Dimond and G. Muller-Parker (2011). Aerial exposure and body temperature of the intertidal sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. Invert. Biol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7410.2011.00241.
Gehman, A.M. and B.L. Bingham (2010). Maternal diet and juvenile quality in the sea star Leptasterias aequalis. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 386: 86-93.
McDonald, P.S. and B.L. Bingham (2010). Comparing macroalgal food and habitat choice in sympatric, tube-building amphipods, Ampithoe lacertosa and Peramphithoe humeralis. Mar. Biol. 157: 1513-1524.
Milonas, L., B. Pernet and B.L. Bingham (2010). Effects of light on feeding and growth of echinoid larvae. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 404: 69-78.
Braithwaite, L.F., B. Stone and B.L. Bingham (2010). Defensive behaviors of the gastropod Amphissa columbiana. J. Shellfish Biol. 29: 217-222.
Muller-Parker, G., J. Pierce-Cravens and B.L. Bingham (2007). Broad thermal tolerance of the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium muscatinei (Dinophyta) in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima(Cnidaria) from northern latitudes. J. Phycol. 43: 25-31.
Cohen, A.N., L.H. Harris, B.L. Bingham, J.T. Carlton, J.W. Chapman, C.C. Lambert, G. Lambert, J.C. Ljubenkov, S.N. Murray, L.C. Rao, K. Reardon and E. Schwindt. (2005). Rapid Assessment Survey for exotic organisms in southern California bays and harbors, and abundance in port and non-port areas. Biol. Inv. 7: 995-1002.
Bingham, B.L. (2005). Opportunities in marine science. Winds of Change Magazine . 20: 12-16.
Bingham, B.L., K. Giles and W. Jaeckle (2004).Variability in broods of the seastar Leptasterias aequalis. Can. J. Zool. 82: 457-463.
Bingham, B.L., S.D Sulkin, S.S. Strom, G. Muller-Parker (2003). Increasing diversity in the marine sciences through the Minorities in Marine Science Undergraduate Program. J Geosc. Ed. 51: 474-480.
Donovan, D.A., B.L. Bingham, M. From, A.F. Fleisch and E.S. Loomis (2003). Effects of barnacle encrustation on the swimming behaviour, energetics, morphometry, and drag of the scallop Chlamys hastata. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 83: 813-819.
Burns, D.O. and B.L. Bingham (2002). Epibiotic sponges on the scallops Chlamys hastata and Chlamys rubida: increased survival in a high-sediment environment. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 82: 961-966.
Donovan, D.A., B.L. Bingham, H.M. Farren, R. Gallardo and V. Vigilant (2002). Effects of sponge encrustation on the swimming behavior, energetics and morphometry of the scallop Chlamys hastata. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 82: 469-476.
Kathiresan, K. and B.L. Bingham. Biology of mangroves and mangrove ecosystems (2001). Adv. Mar. Biol. 40: 84-251.
Bingham, B.L., A.M. Reitzel (2000). Solar damage to the solitary ascidian, Corella inflata. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 80:515-521.
Bingham, B.L., J. Burr, H. Wounded Head (2000). Causes and consequences of arm damage in the seastar Leptasterias epichlora. Can. J. Zool. 78:596-605.
Mills, C.E., A.N. Cohen, H.K. Berry, M.J. Wonham, B. Bingham, B. Bookheim, J.T. Carlton, J.W. Chapman, J. Cordell, L.H. Harris, T. Klinger, A.J. Kohn, C. Lambert, G. Lambert, K. Li, D.L. Secord, and J. Toft (2000). The 1998 Puget Sound Expedition: a shallow water rapid assessment survey for nonindigenous species, with comparisons to San Francisco Bay. Pp 130-138. In: Marine Bioinvasions: Proceedings of the First National Conference, January 24-27, 1999 (Judith Pederson, editor), MIT Sea Grant Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Bingham, B.L. and N. Reyns (1999). Ultraviolet radiation and distribution of the solitary ascidian Corella inflata (Huntsman). Biol. Bull. 196:94-104.
Bingham, B.L., M. Bacigalupi and L.G. Johnson (1997). Temperature adaptations of embryos from intertidal and subtidal sand dollars (Dendraster excentricus, Eschscholtz). Northwest Sci. 71:108-114.
Bingham, B.L. (1997) Light cycles and gametogenesis in three temperate water ascidian species. Invert. Biol. 116:61-70.
Rodgers, S.A. and B.L. Bingham (1996). Subtidal zonation of the holothurian Cucumaria lubrica (Clark). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 204: 113-129.
Bingham, B.L. and C.M. Young (1995). Stochastic events and dynamics of a mangrove root epifaunal community. P.S.Z.N. Mar. Ecol. 16: 145-163.
Bingham, B.L. and C.M. Young (1993). Larval phototaxis in barnacles and snails associated with bathyal sea urchins. Deep-Sea Res. 40: 1-12.
Bingham, B.L. (1992) Life histories in an epifaunal community: coupling of adult and larval processes. Ecology 73: 2244-2259.
Bingham, B.L. and C.M. Young (1991). Influence of sponges on invertebrate recruitment: a field test of allelopathy. Mar. Biol. 109: 19-26.
Bingham, B.L. and C.M. Young (1991). Larval behavior of the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata Herdman; an in situ experimental study of the effects of swimming on dispersal. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 145: 189-204.
Johnson, L.G., Chenoweth, J.E., and B.L. Bingham (1990). Population differences and thermal acclimation in temperature responses of developing sea urchin embryos. Proc. S. D. Acad. Sci. 75: 87-96.
Bingham, B.L. and L. Walters (1989). Ascidians as predators of invertebrate larvae: evidence from gut analyses and plankton samples. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 131: 147-159.
Hess, H., B. Bingham, S. Cohen, R.K. Grosberg, W. Jefferson and L. Walters (1988). The scale of genetic differentiation in Leptosynapta clarki (Heding), an infaunal brooding holothuroid. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 122: 187-194.
Young, C.M. and B.L. Bingham (1987). Chemical defense and aposematic coloration in larvae of the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata. Mar. Biol. 96: 539-544.
Bingham, B.L. and L.F. Braithwaite (1986). Defense adaptations of the dendrochirote holothurian Psolus chitonoides Clark. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 98: 311-322.
Teaching Schedule
ESCI 502: TR 8:00-9:50