Courtney Walker

Portrait of Courtney Walker standing next to a tree with head tilted, wearing a camel colored jacket

I chose Western because I wanted to learn about sustainability and the environment, and I knew Huxley was the best place to do this.


About me

Outside of school, I love hiking, cycling, baking vegan goods, hanging out with family and friends, and watching documentaries. My favorite trail to hike in Bellingham is Samish Overlook. Every time I go there someone is always paragliding or hang gliding off the top!

Career plans

My future career plans as of now are just to find a job that helps make a difference and works to better our world. Ideally, I'd enjoy something in promoting sustainable food systems and working towards making America healthier.

Why I chose Western

I chose Western because it just made sense. I wanted to learn about sustainability and the environment and knew Huxley was the best place to do this.

My favorite professor(s)

I think they are all great, but in particular I have enjoyed classes with Gene Meyers, Aquila Flower, and Jonah White.

My favorite Huxley class/internship/project

So far, my favorite Huxley class has been ENVS 381, Introduction to Environmental Education.


Maple Valley, Washington