The Applications

 Applications must be received by The College of the Environment no later than 5:00pm on:

Note: If the application date is during a weekend, applications will be due the following Monday by 5:00pm.

In some cases, admission will be provisional, pending completion of current course work. Applications should include a list of courses, if any, in which the student is enrolled during the current academic period (quarter or semester). An unofficial transcript with grades for those currently-enrolled courses must be received by the College of the Environment in order for the student to be officially admitted.

Students should declare a major on their application. Students may be excluded from consideration if they have not completed sufficient preparatory course work or have not completed an application by the deadline date.

Application to the College of the Environment is selective and based upon preparation and prior academic performance. Students must first apply to and be accepted by Western Washington University (WWU). However, acceptance to WWU does not insure admittance to any College of the Environment majors. Application forms for WWU and the College of the Environment are available through either the WWU Admissions Office or the College of the Environment. Transfer students should contact the Undergraduate Admissions Advisor  before application to WWU or the College of the Environment.

Students can declare as an environmental studies pre-major or as an environmental science pre-major at any time.

Admission to the College of the Environment College and its majors is based on the following four criteria:

  1. completion of required preparatory course work,
  2. academic performance (GPA),
  3. a brief essay in response to a given question.

Standards for admission are competitive and fluctuate from quarter to quarter, depending on the number of applicants and students graduating.

For applications to the Urban Planning and Sustainable Development Major, please review the following informational materials for further guidance: